A Locket From A Lover Chapter 16 *~}Tiffany{~* Everything turned into black nothingness. Was everything over? Was I finally done? It was as if nothing wanted to come to answer my questions "What the hell, dude!?" Someone shouted. By the voice, and the tone, I'm guessing that's a teenage boy, who was very ticked off, and, it sounded close from where I was. ~Where am I....anyway?~ I tried getting up, but my body didn't respond. ~What the hell?~ My eyes were still shut, which made my 'night' even worse. "Really, dude?! Why did you freaking have to be in front of God damn TV?!" ~That explains a lot!~ I joke to myself. "Deal with it, Max! I have to get the first aid kit!" Another male voice, except, deeper, and, more strict. ~David~ *~}David{~* Max puts both hands up in the air in surrender."Okay! Okay! God... Don't have to be such a jerk!" He huffs, and puts both hands down, and crosses his arms as he sits on the couch. "I wouldn't be such a jerk, if you just leave me be!"I growl.~Fourteen year olds! I swear!~ I keep searching for the kit until I finally find it. I grab it and pull it out. "By the way, why are you getting that, anyway?" "It's for, my friend." "You mean the one you were carrying into MY room?" "One, yes that's the one. Two, stop asking me questions, and three, THATS NOT EVEN YOUR FREAKING ROOM!!" I bark at him. "Okay!Okay!Don't have to be so grouchy......" He mumbles. I roll my eyes, grab the kit, and walk out of the living room, and into 'His Room'. I slowly walk in, and crack the door. Their she was, lying on the bed. ~ Oh my god....~ I put the aid kit on one of the chairs, and slowly walk over to her.There was.a scratch on her cheek. "what the hell did he do to you........" I sit next to her on the bed, and put a hand on her own."Still....not awake,huh?" A slight chuckle escapes from me for some reason, but I ignore it. That's when I realize, some of her blonde strands of hair were hanging over her face. Without even thinking, I quickly leaned over her, and slowly, brushed the strands behind her ear. Once I was done, I left my hand on her cheek."Their....now I can see that beautiful face of yours..." My eyes widened when I realized what I had just said. ~W-what the hell!?~ I quickly remove my hand off of her cheek. Next thing I realized was that I was staring at her...Smiling.~YOU PERVERT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?~ I shake my head, but I can't stop but stare at her.Thats when I see the scratch above her head, where the strands originally had settled;over the wound. My fingers slowly traced the scare. This time, I didn't resist it. No, this time, I let it happen. I put my hand back on her cheek, and brush it with my thumb. By this time, my cheeks where melting my skin. A smile forcefully spread across my face. I closed my eyes, and found myself, dozing off asleep. Before I could drift off, the sound of the sheets moving stopped me. My eyes opened, to see light blue eyes meeting my own, and a small smile, returning my own."glad to see those beautiful eyes of yours." She looks away, as a blush fades onto her cheeks. I quickly stand up, making the bed lift back up. That's when she looks back at me, as she sits up.Her smile fades, and her eyes widen. "W-what's wrong?" I ask, concerned. "David,your shoulder! It's scared!" That's when I remember the fight me and my father had, how I got that wound. My eyes widen when I feel one of her fingers fall onto the scratch, which runs all the way down under my shirt. "David. Take your shirt off." My eyes widen even more. "W-what!?" "I have to see your wound! Now, take it off!" I bite my lower lip, uncertain. "B-but-" "Now, David!" I sigh as I sit infront of her on the bed, and take the shirt off. Her hand falls onto her mouth, while the other traces the scar from my shoulder, to the bottom of my chest."Did he....do this to you?" I look down at the sheets on the bed. "Me and him...got into a, fight." When I look back up, I see her eyes spark with tears. "This is all my fault!" She placed her head onto my chest, and let the tears fall. After recovering from shock, I placed my hand on her back,and put my head onto her shoulder. "Tiffany...you need to stop blaming yourself for things you didn't do." I softly whisper in her ear. "How can I? My mom is probably going to die....My father is dead, almost all my friends either left me, or are dead.. You father is right, I am a jinx." I back away from her ear, and lift her chin up. "No he's not. If you were a jinx, you wouldn't be worth the world to me." A smile forms on both of are faces, including a blush. "Thank you, for everything." Before I knew it, I had placed a small kiss on her forehead.
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