Spirit Horse I was so lonely when mum died. Dad was all ways in the office working he did not seem to care about his own daughter! But he did , it was my 11th birthday and I woke up and saw a big sign saying 'Mandy please come to the stables there is something waiting there for you' so I got into the new dress that I had invested in. pink at the top with a silver glittery puffy skirt. When I got to the stables there waiting for me was dad and the most beautiful horse I've ever seen "hello" dad said "Happy Birthday"
Tidying My Room! If theres one thing I hate more than tomatoes it's tidying my bedroom! I mean I'm an untidy person so what's the point in tidying my room when its just gonna get messy again! Like if your untidy and comment if you have a funny room tidying story! --------------------------------- This weeks question: what colour do you think the walls of my room are? Post your answer in comments! Y.O.L.O!
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