~£Firefay£~ Chapter One Slowly trudging through the street, Kai kicked the empty can down the street in such a sullen way that even the firebrands looked as if they felt sorry for him. He knew the gravity of the situation was severe, but he was hoping it would all turn out to be just a dream. He was, thirsty, he could say; but the type of thirsty he was is unquenchable. He needed.. forgiveness, in a way. He wanted to scream, let it out, howling like a wolf. But thinking if wolves distracted himself of his miseries. He admired wolves, he thought of their howls as songs; together creating a chorus. He had a magnetic attraction towards them and didn't understand why. It hadn't been something he just acquired, he'd had this addiction since he was a child. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't notice a small and subtle animal, and tripped over it. It made a wailing sound that reminding him of a broken record's squeal. He turned to face it-to apologize- but it was very wary towards him. After all, Kai did just triple over the little animal. As if to not care for it at all, he whipped out his roll- his LAST roll. He needed to make a decision quickly. He looked at the animal, this time he studied it; more precise and in depth than before. It appeared to be a stray pup- a wolf pup! It was almost as if it had been conjured from his thoughts, and laid out on the cement before his feet. It growled at him pathetically as he reached out to it. The pup thought it was being quite fierce but got the hint from Kai's chuckle that it hadn't affected him at all. Kai, making his decision, thought: "If I use my last roll for this pup, I'll have to look for food.. but it can grow to help me hunt if only I befriend it. If I leave it to die, it might grow to terrorize, and then I would end up using my last roll myself and would have a hard time looking for more food by myself now that I'm.." He shook the thought of the night before away and chose for his decision to be to befriend this pup. He held out his other hand, the hand with the roll. The pup stopped growling to study the smelling object in Kai's hand, but did not let down her guard; fur raised on end. She eyed the food, hungry, aspiring it; her mouth watering and consuming her urging instinct to be cautious. She gave into her magnetic attraction towards it to launch at it. Warm in her mouth, it appeared to Kai as if she were smiling. He smiled too, feeling some of his mirth seep back into him. He knew this was the beginning of a toxic friendship. -------------------------------- Copyright 2013. ~£Firefay£~
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