The Moon is a way to our lost heaven home Legend says: Man once lived, in sky paradise Endless herds for daily meat, they wove bird plumage and feathers for clothes. Homes upon clouds, all eternal light above them, and below: Black glass ground dusted with dense stars, stretching forever in all horizons. Hunter, sick of paradise, tired of meat, of feather cloaks, Shot a passing eagle with his bow – arrow straight through the heart, then hit the ground with a gun-shot sound, leaving a perfect circle hole. They peered below, saw the Ocean, fertile ground, Islands teeming with gold, pearls, mermaids, fishes, all exquisite. “Let us leave Heaven, and make that place our own.” All mankind went down with a feather rope, Snapping broken once the last girl reached earth. They looked up the night sky, saw Heaven’s light through the hole they called Moon, The starlit ground where their feet have tread, now the Sky they look upon.
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Diana âðâð
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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