Chapter 9 I make haste to the next block. Sir Luke's car comes into view in the near distance. Overwhelming with victory I wave at him, signaling as well, to open the other door of the car, so Ma'am can hurry in. "Ma'am Leslie, I advice you to get out of the car and join sir Luke, I'm going to return and capture the lad. Then of course hand him to the police to take care of." I said urgently looking out the windshield at Sir Luke as he responds to my gesture. I didn't get any response from Ma'am Leslie so I look at the right, where she was sitting but the dear child had drifted off to sleep. I shook her gently not wanting to frighten her but her eyelids just barely open. She just mumbles something in her sleep. So instead I got out of the car so I could carry her to Sir Luke's. As I am about to reach in, an ear-splitting sound distracts me and the next thing I know is the world goes dark. ... Luke's point of view _______________ My head starts spinning at the sight of Leslie gliding through the air, so #lifeless and light. I get out tof the car, sprinting towards her flying body that landed with a thud. Her head squirts out streams of ghastly blood spraying all over my shirt as I pull her into my arms. That f*cktard is going to pay, I curse at him. Reaching out for my phone, I call for the ambulances and Justin. But just than, an idea occurs to me: if that a**hole comes to believe that Leslie is dead, he'll leave us alone and exit the crime scene. Otherwise, he'd come for us while we're still vulnerable and make sure both of us are dead.. The thought gave me goosebumps. So I played a little act...I reached out for Leslie's wrist and held my thumb on it, I could feel her pulse but I pretended I didn't and put on a panicked, sorrowed expression that changed into anger and fear. Next I made it look as if i were placing my head on her chest, I didn't really, but the dude didn't need to know. Then I began yelling swear words at him while 'shaking' her which was followed by myself storming around the place. I made sure that freak was watching, which he was with obvious amusement. For the final act I just sit next to Leslie and sob giving the dude the chance to slip off. I thought about noting down his plate number, but the car didn't have any. I knew I would rather go after him, but I couldn't risk Leslie's #life, and needed to be there incase she called for something more than bandages around her head which i made out of my shirt. She was my best mates girlfriend and she trusted me with everything. She was like the best sister I could ever ask for, and I wouldn't want to let anyone down. The ambulance arrived two long minutes after Justin. He looked miserable. The last time I saw him like this was at his grandmothers funeral. I gave him a pat at his slumped back and helped place Leslie on a stretcher. Justin placed a kiss on Leslie's red cheeks. I could sense there was a storm coming. When we're done and justin goes in with Leslie, I look around at the scene. There were blots of blood here and there and a huge puddle near the cab. The grass was torn and shredded and there were ugly screech marks where the cab had been hit. The cabs condition itself looked like it could do with hospitalization. My mouth went dry when I saw the condition of the cab driver himself. He was the one who had directly hit. A punge of guilt engulfed me.. I hadn't even seen if that devoted man was alright. I hoped he'd be okay. He had to be.. I rushed to help him into the second ambulance. A few cops had also arrived from the nearby station and I made my way to them. I requested we talk elsewhere for privacy. Justin coupled me in as I described the man's appearance as well as his objectives while all the information was being jotted down.
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