The Last Of Us: Chapter 1
"Daddy?" i called down from the top of the stairs, He didn't reply so i cautiously tiptoe down the golden brown stairs careful not to make it squeak, "D-daddy?" i call my voice wobbling i was trembling, i didn't know if he was drinking or if he was asleep, he could of been in an accident, or someone could of taken him away! all these thoughts swim around in my head making it feel like it wants to burst my stomache was churning my hands were sweaty, i clutch tight onto my soft brown teddybear he had a delicate red ribbon tied around his little neck and it had 'Mr.Teddington'
embrioded in swirly white writing. quietly i tiptoe across the red and blue carpet and peak through the living room door, "Daddy?" i ask popping my head around the corner, the TV seemed to be on going static every now and then, shuffling quietly moving further into the room i can see Daddy on the Sette drinking some wine, "Daddy?" i said clutching my teddy
"What is it Cloe?" he asks turning his full attention on me, hes always payed attention to me now since Mummy died after i was born, sometimes when Daddy had drunken a whole bottle he'd blame me for Mummy's death.
I couldn't help it she died.
"Daddy i-i had a scary nightmare about a zombie apocolypes and the zombies killed you, ripping you ap-" Daddy interupted me "Ok angel i dont want to know how i died becuase it sounded grousom, but come here" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me next to him elgulfing me in a hug, the news suddenly flashed on the TV with an ergent report.
"Hello and welcome to the evening news!" the News man said,
"Most people will think we're mad but there is a zombie apocalypes going on outside right now so we need you to gear up fast other-" the man was intrupted by a female zombie news reporter running in and throwing the man to the ground biting his neck and ripping flesh as his blood dripped onto the glass floor.
i looked up at my Daddy only to find him close to tears, "Oh Cloe! we need to get out of here safely, i know that NYC is our safest bet, we just need to get to an air port" he said getting up and dragging me out of the room and grabbing guns, our coats and padding them,
"Daddy will we survive?" i asked putting on my coat
"Yes honey, we will survive" he said grabbing ammo and then heading for the door.
the street was eeriely quiet and nothing stirred
ecept for the ally cats catching spiders and then crashing into a trash cans,
though further up the street were cars getting ready to leave. "In the car sweetie" Daddy said picking me up and putting me into the car and putting on my buckle,
Daddy ran and hopped into the drivers seat and quickly started to drive. Others cars started following us so i looked behind and saw families, just like me and Daddy, we soon arrived in town all the lights were on, as Daddy spead through the town an army of souldiers started shooting, I thought they were shooting zombies but i was wroung. they were shooting us, Daddy started swerving all over the place to dodge the bullets.
"AAAHH" i screamed, one of the bullets had struck me
"Daddy IT HURTS" i shriek as he slammed on the brakes and climbed next to me. "Oh baby girl! y-you wont make it" he sobbed holding me close,
I felt my eyelids drooping, "I-i l-love you D-daddy" i said smiling as i stroked his cheek, "I'll always be watching you with Mummy, ok Daddy, do us a favour and live on and fight the apocelypes" i said until the darkness engulfed me whole.
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