My Bio Hello I'm Anna, my sisters are Elsa, Melly, Amy. and my half sisters are -- Harriet, Bethany, Callie and Ruby, Me and Christoff are happily married (with Elsa's blessing this time) Olaf is currently in love, he's often found flirting or chatting up a girl snowman that Elsa created. I'm happy to tell you that! Elsa can now control her powers and uses them for Beauty not danger!!over all things in Arendelle are great! Love Anna xxxx
Rules For Being A Princess Rules Being a Princess is hard, it contains many rules and regulations! More than you would ever think, you have to live up to impossible standards and at the same time setting a good example, which me and Melly don't do! Elsa always shouts at me and Melly, trust me we never follow the rules! It's always us to that gets into trouble. Rules No burping No farting No using kitchen tools as fighting weapons No climbing on expensive things No eating food unless given permission No riding around the palace on a reindeer You must welcome people politely No playing or using magic inside No physical contact with anyone when using magic No fighting No arguing No violence No displeasure No building snowmen inside .......and so on! But the thing is, me and Melly never follow these rules! It's always us to getting into the trouble!! It's so bad, all these rules me and Melly do! Apart from violence even though I through a fire ball at her once So being a princess is hard, harder than you think, especially with me and Melly, accept everyone in the kingdom sees us as the fun princesses!
A Visit From Rapunzel The seat rattled against his bones - fourteen days of travel across harsh mountain terrain had definitely taken its toll. "What I would do for a hot chocolate right now..." Flynn exclaimed, releasing a heavy yawn. He had never wanted to leave Corona – nothing about the idea of being stuffed in a carriage for two weeks had been appealing. And it wasn't. "Oh, Eugene!" His wife beamed, scrambling up from her seat and across his lap. Her bottle-green eyes gleamed with excitement and drank in the landscape beyond her window. Arendelle was stunning, it was graced with towering slate mountains, crystal clear lakes, lush pine trees and sprawling azure skies. The air was crisp and slightly cooler compared to the summers back at home, but the view certainly helped remedy his sour mood. "Its beautiful..." a dreamy sigh slipped through Rapunzel's lips, and he couldn't resist the urge to let his eyes wander. She was his 'wife' now – which elated and freaked him out at the same time. The infamous Flynn Rider, royal consort to her majesty. 'Consort,' He thought with a smirk. 'Just a title really.' In reality it meant he was a glorified trophy husband – he had no real duties. No real influence. His wife was to be the ruler, and a spectacular one at that. Rapunzel was clever, brave, inspiring, kind, talented, and so much more. Next to her, he often felt lackluster – with an exception to his outstandingly good looks of course. They had been married for a year now and he still hadn't achieved anything for the kingdom; Flynn knew nothing about being a monarch and not everyone had just up and forgot about his previous #lifestyle. Nearly being hanged for ones crimes didn't blow over like some sort of magical fairy-tail miracle. "I just can't wait! I wonder what the princesses look like!" The brunette chimed, climbing over him as she pressed her hands up against the glass. "Hey!" Flynn wrapped his hands around her waist and attempted to pry her off his lap. "I read somewhere that they haven't left the castle in 13 years!" She exclaimed, chattering on about history and other stuff he didn't really care about, but often pretended to. "Hey blondie, give me back my legs," he pushed her off with a laugh and she squealed, wiggling in his arms. He tickled her until she surrendered in a fit of laughter and then he stole a kiss from her lips, melting away all his worries. When they arrived to Arendelle it was mid-day and sunny. The air was rich with flavours of the sea and the melody of gulls and gentle waves sung through her ears. Rapunzel's legs felt rickety beneath her feet; she had never sailed on a ship before. It had been both an exhilarating and terrifying ordeal, and Flynn had spent the majority of their crossing hunched over the stern with sea-sickness. He was fine now though – or so she thought. The city was abuzz with jovial music and excited townsfolk. It reminded her so much of Corona during Lantern Festival on her birthday. Arendelle's banners of green, purple and yellow rippled through the wind and crocus petals danced through the streets. Pascal would of loved this! She felt guilty about living him behind, and Maxiums too. But this trip is special. Super special! Rapunzel's cheeks flushed pink and she giggled to herself. She skipped down the docks happily and glanced over her shoulder for Eugene, but she failed to spot him amongst the crowd. He was gone! Her emerald eyes widened in alarm and she scanned the people for her husband. "Eugene!" Despite how much she had blossomed and grown over the past year, she was still so unsure of herself. Flynn had been the one to introduce her to the world, she was helpless without him.
ð¸Princess Mellyð¸
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Princess Harriet of Arendelle
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