Finding Junsi I went on opuss one last time, and Elsa still hated me, Anna left Arendelle and Tanya isn't talking to me. Harriet is trying to make friends with me and blaze is apparently my new sister, even though we have never talked. I had to find junsi, the place where I feel complete. Arendelle just starts arguments and porune had started rioting since I'm under age and they want a king. I just can't marry at 12! The old queen made me in charge. I decided to go to the trolls, the queen was related to them. I used my magic to go to the trolls. "Good news! Bethany we can get rid of your powers, except magic, that's to powerful," the papa troll said. "But..." I said, but he cut me of. "We have to start now." I was forced to stop there am hour to get rid of my powers. "Now can I say what I want to say!" I shouted. "Ok," said papa troll. I explained everything from the queen of junsi to going to junsi. "We can send you there with floo powder," one troll said. There was lots of murmurs. "But no one has used floo powder in centuries!" One shouted. "Isn't floo powder from Harry potter?" I interrupted. "No, the author met us one day and stole the name," said papa troll. "Well can you send me to junsi?" I asked. "Fine, but it can go wrong," warned one troll. I took a handful of floo powder and said "Junsi!" I felt a gush of wind and landed in the queens bedroom, nothing had gone wrong. I was in junsi, and I would never leave.
Hello U might be wondering where I have been. I have deleted opuss because people of Arendelle was treating me like dirt! I decided to let u know. Anna has left and Elsa hates me and Harriet, I don't know but I'm a total mess. I wish Anna could come back, she said on a opuss she regrets being mean to me and I don't know if I should come back. I'm in here porune. Bethany xxxx
Chat Room 2 Bethanybebe has entered the chat room Kristoftheman has entered the chat room Bethanybebe- this is awkward Kristoftheman- I know right Annaiccream has entered the chat room- changed my username Bethanybebe- we can see that Snowballharriet- if Anna isn't Anna the twin any more then I'm not Harriet the twin any more Kristoftheman- does it matter about your username Annaicecream- yes!! Snowballharriet- Yes! Kristoftheman- just asking Bethanybebe changes her username to PrincessBethany PrincessBethany- I'm a princess! Sexyhans has entered the chatroom Sexyhans- hello Annaicecream- go away perv! Annaicream has blocked SexyHans from the chat. Snowballharriet- thnx Anna Annaicream- no problem LittleTanya06 has entered the chatroom LittleTanya06- why has everyone changed there user name??? LittleTanya06 has changed her username to PoppingCandy09 PoppingCandy09- my username is way better now. PrincessBethany has left the chat Kristoftheman has left the chatroom PoppingCandy09- I'm leaving if Beth has left PoppingCandy09 has left the chatroom Letitgo has entered the chatroom Letitgo- snowball fight now! Annaicream- ok Snowballharriet- ok Letitgo has left the chat Annaicecream has left the chat Snowballharriet has left the chat
Amy I heard a knock at the door. "It's Callie, to play a joke on me," I thought. I opened it so she could say boo but it wasn't here. Looked like Elsa, hand Anna's hair, it was Amy! "Hi Beth," she said. "I though you wouldn't come back. You said that when we was at Gothels place," I said. "Well now I'm here," she said, we hugged. "Are you staying forever?" I asked. "I don't know," she replied.
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Princess Bethany
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