Saturday Night I go to the club Every Saturday night We stay there till the sun starts to shine I sit at the bar Waiting for you to come in I wait there till I'm drunk Then you'll come And break my heart You'll never change You guys and me Just don't Stay together for long I love you Then you hate me What the hell is wrong with you? I get drunk again Waiting for you to come in But it's way too much To do it again Next Saturday night I'm waiting at the bar for you To come in and pick me off my feet All I want is for you to love me Next Saturday night You pick my off My feet I love You so much But then you drop On the ground I hate you so much Waiting at the bar again Getting drunk again While waiting for you Next Saturday night will be better I'll get you drunk too I'll get you drunk So you love me That could work too Next Saturday night
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حذف التعليق
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