The Voices Told Me To... Chapter 6 The drive home was quiet, no one spoke. Jason pulled his truck into the driveway then got out. Anna awkwardly crawled across the leather seat of the truck then slid down to the ground carefully. Jason studied her movements so intently she felt her face get red and the self-consciousness feeling she had forgotten came back. He smiled then held her close the sun was setting and it was getting chilly. He stood there holding her, his left arm was wrapped around her waist and his right arm was on the back of her neck. She felt the chills go down her spine when he leaned his face close to hers and slowly breathed. His breath smelled sweet like honey, she leaned her head forward and their lips touched. At first it was gently, then his hand was in her hair pulling softly and the kiss got deeper. He pressed her body closer to his, she felt so loved. The kissed ended and he stood holding her. “I love you Anna.” He breathed. She smiled; his hand on her waist slowly fell down to her hip. His fingers caressed her skin where her shirt met her jeans. Her breathing stopped, his touch made every muscle tense up and she felt butterflies in her stomach. or not. Jason’s expression froze and he leaned back to see her whole face. “You’re not the same size, you've gotten bigger.” His face was dark from the shadows the sinking sun was now throwing around creating a beautiful view directly behind Jason. Anna fixed her gaze on the background and ignored the inquiring look her lover was giving her. Her mind was racing she didn’t know what to say her throat was closing under pressure. “I'm not that much bigger am I...” She paused “I love you too.” she stood on her tip toes and kissed him gently. He looked at her intently. “Do you want me to stay the night with you tonight, in case you need to go to the hospital again?” He whispered as he embraced her once again. "No, I'm fine tonight I have Rachelle remember?" Jason looked at Rachelle who had just finished gathering her things out of his truck and was now walking into the house. "Do you want me to stay the night with you tonight?" This time pleading rather than asking. Anna looked in his eyes and watched as fear slowly flickered in his eyes. She had never been to Jason's home but every time it was time to go he never wanted to leave and she saw this flicker of fear for a second every time she never knew why though. "You can stay the night if it's okay with your mom..." "She's fine with it." He cut her off mid sentence then kissed her. She felt his lips crush hers and he pulled her close again. She pulled away, he reached for her but she grabbed his hand and turned around pulling him towards the house. She turned her head to peer at him over her shoulder and she saw that crooked smile she loved. She drug him into the house, up the stairs, and into her room.
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