Achluophobia They live among us The creatures of the darkness Feasting on our fear ##haikuhorror
Achluophobia They live among us The creatures of the darkness Feasting on our fear ##haikuhorror
Pokemon Rap Battle Talk about Mews? Yeah I've got two Mews. You're scared now? Wait, I've got a Mewtwo. He's got more respect than to fuck with you two. So get out my face, turn around, tohdaloo. You're still here? What the fuck you wanna do? Your best catch is a measly Geodude. You've never took a gym, now that I should have knew. You're less intimidating than my man, Winnie Pooh. You've got a Staryu, that's a little breakthrough. But unfortunately for you, he's not match for my Pikachu. You still want a battle? yeah you're going to pursue. Well I hope, for your sake, you can stop Kung fu. Because I'm afraid what you're hearing is absolutely true. I am starting with Hitmonchan, and he knows Jujitsu. There's nothing else to say about the pain you'll be subject to. It's getting quite familiar, this; have we got De Ja Vu? So before you go sprinting off in those running shoes. I think that an apology is more than overdue. It's time for you to get onboard a train now, choo choo. And it's time for me to sign out, we are done here, adéu.
Stay strong for our brothers, Stay strong for our loved ones, Don't let them bully us into a panic, Don't let them decide who we are. Stay strong in this hour of need, Stay strong for ever more, Don't give them what they want, Don't give them their war. Only peace will win this battle, Let love fight out the hate, Only affection can stop these monsters, Let them know, before it's too late. United we stand, divided we fall. Love is love.
Yo, so, I've been away for a while; You've probably forgotten who I am and can't remember my style. So let me give that little mind of yours a bit of a refresh; I'm that guy behind the screen, the one you've never met in the flesh. I've had a lot of time for thoughts, whilst I've been hiding away; I've been reading and dreaming but writers' block got in the way. I guess what I'm saying is that I've lacked motivation; But this is me, I am back, it is my reincarnation. Just stop what you're doing and take a listen of this; My new verses will be holy, so call them cheese of the Swiss. I'm sorry for the lack of work that I've produced during my drought; But, hopefully, now I'm back for good, this is CDog signing out.
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