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Pokemon Rap Battle Talk about Mews? Yeah I've got two Mews. You're scared now? Wait, I've got a Mewtwo. He's got more respect than to fuck with you two. So get out my face, turn around, tohdaloo. You're still here? What the fuck you wanna do? Your best catch is a measly Geodude. You've never took a gym, now that I should have knew. You're less intimidating than my man, Winnie Pooh. You've got a Staryu, that's a little breakthrough. But unfortunately for you, he's not match for my Pikachu. You still want a battle? yeah you're going to pursue. Well I hope, for your sake, you can stop Kung fu. Because I'm afraid what you're hearing is absolutely true. I am starting with Hitmonchan, and he knows Jujitsu. There's nothing else to say about the pain you'll be subject to. It's getting quite familiar, this; have we got De Ja Vu? So before you go sprinting off in those running shoes. I think that an apology is more than overdue. It's time for you to get onboard a train now, choo choo. And it's time for me to sign out, we are done here, adéu.

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