Falling- Chapter 3
We were driving along peacefully when I heard sirens. I pulled over and looked through the back window, but didn't see a police car. "Your under arrest!" I heard a voice yell and I smiled. It was Niall. "Um, are you a cop now?"
"No, it's just a new effect on my Ford," he said smirking and pointing to his compact car. "Um, I'm gonna have to write you a ticket.." He continued, pulling out a notepad. "...for having your headlights off in the daytime," he laughed and I laughed. "So, why did u pull me to the side of the road?" I asked. "Um, I wanted to talk to you," he said clearing his throat. "Ok," I replied and stepped out of the car and slammed my door shut. Rose had been intently listening to her music on her phone, and snapped her head to the window when she heard the door slam. She furrowed her brow and gave me a confused look. I waved my hand at her as if to tell her 'nothing. Now shut up and listen to your music' and she did exactly that. Niall looked at me with a cute innocent look on his face, like he was studying me. "So..." I said breaking the short silence. "Um, ya, I kinda wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to a restaurant with me tomorrow, you know, for lunch" He said. I nodded my head and smiled. "Is this like a date?" I asked searching for a frown on his face. See, boys didn't usually like me. They thought I was too loud and obnoxious even though me and my friends thought I was funny and truthful. "Ya, definitely," he said giggling. I smiled and said "well u better hurry. Your going to be late for your concert I'm sure," "oh,ya. Well I'll see you in like, 10 minutes then," he said laughing. I laughed back and we both waved goodbye. I climbed into the drivers seat and gently closed the door behind me. Rose was silent but I could feel her staring at me from the backseat. "So; what's up?" I asked her and she finally turned to look out the window. "Erm, nothing. Wassup with you? Anything EXCITING happen?" She asked, smirking.
"Well, I'm going on a date with Mr. horan," I claimed calmly.
"And that's not exciting, how?" She asked laughing.
"I didn't say it wasn't," I laughed.
"We'll dont think I'm not going to crash your date," she said laughing in a horrible evil laugh imitation. I laughed. "Erm, no." I told her what happened outside the car and she listened very intently. She seemed awful interested in my dating #life out of the blue. But, she was my sister and she might care a tad bit. We talked about Niall the whole way to the concert.
Niall's P.O.V.
I couldn't stop thinking about our date tomorrow. I couldn't wait! I was going to take her to Nando's then go to this really nice private beach when the sun begins to set. It's going to be super romantic! I probably couldn't get a stupid grin off my face, and that might have been part of the reason the boys were all looking at me weird. Right after we finished rehearsing for the concert, the boys all sat down for a water break. Louis started the whole conversation. "So, Niall. What's going on with Alli and you?" He said smirking. The other boys stifled a laugh and smiled at me. "Ya, it seems like you love her," Harry said. "Are you going to go on a date, and have kids?" Louis asked in a child's voice. The boys started cracking up and I sighed. "Ok, first we have to get married Lou," I groaned and he smiled. "Oh, right." He laughed. "So, have you asked her on a date yet?" Asked Liam, who was the mature one out of the group. "Um, ya." I mumbled, looking down but smiling. "That's my boy!" Yelled Louis and the other four started jumping around and fist pumping the air. "So, how and when did you ask her out?" Zayn asked. I told them about my cop joke and they started cracking up at how stupid it was and I laughed too, at my own stupidity. "Ya, then I asked her if she wanted to go out to lunch with me tomorrow," I explained. They oohed and aahed. I explained my plan for the date until
Paul(Higgins) walked into the room and shouted "5 minutes till stage time boys!" We all jumped up and headed towards the backstage.
It had been 5 minutes and we were all waiting impatiently. The stage director yelled to us "time!" And a booming voice yelled "Indianapolis! Welcome....ONE DIRECTION!!!" And we jogged out onto the stage with mics in hand and waving to the crowd. I saw her. Front row and wearing gray leggings, a brown vest, and a pink beanie. Her hair was in natural dirty brown waves with blonde streaks. She looked amazing. She was clapping along to our first song 'Rock Me'. We passed through all 13 songs within an hour, stopping for twitter questions and just being the group that we are;D but at the end the audience got to choose a song that they wanted us to sing again. There were tons of screams everywhere. Harry announced that we would be singing 'truly Madly Deeply' which happened to be off our old album. It was a song I loved but we rarely ever got to play. As my part came I looked out into the crowd and began to sing:
'Like all those days and months and weeks I tried to steal a kiss, and all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this. I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl, and I am not ashamed to tell it to the world.' The chorus started to play and Alli started swaying back and forth to the music. She did this crazy wierd dance move then started to do the disco. I laughed. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF LIAM'S SOLO!!!!! I covered my mouth and Harry and the others glared at me but we shrugged it off. Man, I couldn't wait for this concert to be over.
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