Translate   10 years ago

Stay Strong No one cares no one loves me. I'm too broken to be loved. Who would ever want to love me? This girl who's been torn apart by #life? I want to end it, I want to cut a little deeper than I ever have before. I want to feel the blade slicing into my battered, worn skin. When they find me, the people that have claimed to love me, they will finally see the scars: the painful memories written in slashes on my bare skin. I want that so bad that my body is shaking and tears are running down my face. I hate this pain; I hate #life. I hate myself, I hate everyone. I. Just. Want. To. Die. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dedicated to everyone who feels this way, I know what you're going through... and with every fiber in my body I believe that at the end of your storm there is a rainbow. Just please stay strong an get through it. I pray for all of you that are hanging on to that last thread of hope, I cry for you, I feel for you. If I could take your place I would do it. I know you feel unloved, I feel it too. You can stay strong, jut think about far far ahead in the future, think about the great things that might take place after the storm, when you reach that rainbow. you might not see it now, but you have so much potential: so much #life to live. NEVER GIVE UP. I love every single one of you, Xx.

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