Translate   11 years ago

Falling- Chapter 2: Kik I was probably nearly hyperventilating on the way home, but I couldn't tell. I couldn't stop thinking about the blonde boy. He was unmistakable cute, with an adorable smile and sense of humor. His laugh tingled in my brain for minutes afterward. He gave me shivers. Was this love? Or just a stupid school girl crush? I was jolted out of my daydream by Rose yelling "Stop!" As I almost ran a red light. My Chevy impala screeched to a halt and we both were caught short of breath. "Thanks." I finally breathed and continued as the stop light turned green. "So..." Rose said. "WhAt?" I asked. "You like him." She stated, it not being a question apparently. "Um, I don't know if I like him yet, ya know." I muttered/coughed and squinted to focus on the road. "You do." She said leaning forward and placing one of her elbows on the dashboard and turned to look at me more intently. "So what if I do?" I answered. "I don't know, just wanted to make sure. Ya know, wouldn't want him to find out or anything," she smirked mischievously. She sat back and flipped her phone back and started typing. "So what're you doing?" I asked her, kind of worried from the conversation just a few seconds before. "You know just tweeting," she smirked again. "Rose." I said my face falling into a serious look. "" I yelled. "No! Mine!" She yelled in a childish tone. I groaned. "Fine! But get off of twitter!" I yelled and she huffed. "Whatever," she shrugged and snapped her phone shut. We drove down the road in silence. Rose stared intently out the window and neither of us dared to brake the peaceful silence. "Did u get his number?" Rose mumbled. "Ya," I mumbled back. She did a dramatic nod and raised her eyebrows then turned to look at me. "How much longer?" She asked. I sighed. We finally made it home, right before 11 at night. I decided to text Niall in the morning, not wanting to look too desperate or to look like I liked him. As soon as I walked into my room, my phone dinged. It read: 'one kik message from NiallLovesNandos93'. I smiled and flicked the screen to unlock my iPhone. Here's how the conversation went: N: Heyy Alli, what's going on girl? A: not much, what are you doing? N: Same. Can't stop thinking about you 'Did he just say that?' I thought. I scrolled through the messages and read it again. I guess he did. He texted again. N: whoops! Awkward silence moment! Anyway, I wanted to ask you to come and hang out with me and the boys tomorrow after the concert. Sound cool with you? You can bring Rose if she wants to come too A: sounds great! I'll have to check with my mom. She's coming home from a 2 week business trip tomorrow morning. But she already oked the concert so I think she'll be fine with it. N: ok. See you then? A: yep, see you then N: ok, hey can you text me so I have your number and we don't have to talk on kik? A: yep, just a sec N: ok thanks;D A:bye! N: Bye c wuuuu soon A: I was so excited for tomorrow. I was going to get to meet the boys a second time and hang out with niall!!! Wow. Things had really changed today. Yesterday some boy in my grade had asked me out, and I said I'd think about it. But I have other plans now That morning Rose ran into my room singing at the top of her lungs "I love one direction and I will marry Louis Tomlinson and he invited me to his concert because he loves me!!!" I didn't even know if it was considered singing, but it was something. I raised my eyebrow at her and did a disgusted face. "Or, because Niall loves you!" She continued, adding jazz hands. I shook my head and stood up to grab my coat. "You ready to go?" I asked "yep!" She piped back. I grabbed my car keys and yelled to my mom "we're leaving!" "Ok! Have fun! Drive safe!" SHe yelled back from the other room. This was going to be a fun day. I smiled for like the 100,000th time since yesterday.

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