Click/final Chapter Part 1
~20 years later~
-Honey ! Where's Tom ?
- Tom ? He's out in gun training!
-Oh okay… Hey sweetie ? You know it's our anniversary today ?
-Which anniversary ? We were married in August and it's April.
Aha… I knew he wouldn't get it. It's weird I've changed so much these past 20 years, but I still think of those days, so vividly. I scream each night thinking of the hard days me and Mike have been through.
-I was talking about the day that we won, Mike ! The day that everything changed ! How could you forget about that ?
- I'm just trying to get rid of those days. You should try too.
- But that day was a marvelous day !
- Maybe from your point of view, but not from mine. Sandy, we lost 200 Silenced that day ! Including Victoria, Sam, Thomas, Kim…
-Yeah ok I get it, but you have to look on the bright side, right ?
-There is no bright side, Sandy ! It's just the same old crap as always ! We're not safe ! And we will never be.
- What do you mean by that? Mike, what do you mean WE'RE NOT SAFE ???
- Shh keep your voice down, Hannah might be listening !
-She's barely 5 !! She doesn't even know what we're talking about ! Now what do you mean by we're not safe ??
- It means that I paid a few Clickers to not kill us for the past 15 years, and we only have 5 years left, Sandy !
I can't believe he actually paid Clickers to protect us ! I thought this place was safer for us, better. But no !
What can I do to make this better ?
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