Translate   12 years ago

Click Chapter #clickchapter I wake up. The first thing I think of is Mike. -Miiiike !!! Where are you ! I hear a muffled noise to my left. I can't see anything. It's very dark and my eyes don't seem to adjust, which is strange. Suddenly I hear a small voice crying out: Mom? Mom!! Hannah ? I think. No it's not possible !!! She has had a problem with her brain ever since she was born ! Her voice changed so that she can only make a few grunts !!! -Hannah ? -Yes Mom it's me !! You finally woke up ! -What do you mean" finally woke up "? -Mom… You don't remember anything ? -No! Where's Mike ? And Tom ? -Mom... They're dead! ******************* -What ??? What do you mean they're dead ? I try to get up but my head starts spinning around like an out of control merry-go-round. I still can't see anything. -Mom, lie back down. You haven't fully recovered. -Recovered from what ? Where are we ? Why can't I see anything ?? -Mom, honey... She talks to me like I'm a child. Like she's taking care of me. I'M supposed to be taking care of HER !! -What ? Whatever you're about to say cant make my day any worse then it already is. -I think it can, Mom. -I DON'T CARRRE ! (#pewdiepie #brofist ...sorry) -Mom... -Yes ? -You've gone blind.

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