With all of my heart, I loved him, I never wanted to part, But the light of the world dimmed, We do not choose, Those of which who die, But I did lose, The one boy that was mine, I lost him, But he was not mine to lose,
Leggi di più..With all of my heart, I loved him, I never wanted to part, But the light of the world dimmed, We do not choose, Those of which who die, But I did lose, The one boy that was mine, I lost him, But he was not mine to lose,
Leggi di più..Me I take the road that no one goes, I take the path that no one follows, Try to drag me from this street, But I shall continue with my great feat, Nothing will distract me from who I set out to be, Because, no matter what, that person will be me, Call me weird, a minor speck, so small, But, in my eyes, I know I am original,
Leggi di più.."When a person breaks your heart, it wears off. But when #life breaks your heart, it seems to scar."
My #life has come to a point where I'd rather be pretty and have my heart broken thousands of times, then ugly and never have my heart touched.