Unfriend I've just come off Facebook and am feeling angry to say the least.....I've just had to "unfriend" someone for the very first time and it hurts. A week or so ago, this guy I used to be at school with, sent me a friend request. To be honest, I couldn't remember who he was, but saw that we had one of my best friends from school as a mutual friend, so decided he must be alright......how wrong could I have been? You see, the thing is, I've been really fortunate in my #life to meet some absolutely amazing people, and am proud to be able to call these people my friends. I have Black friends, White friends, Chinese friends, Asian friends. They are gay, straight, bisexual, asexual. They are Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Islamic, Sikh, Buddhist, Pagan, Atheist. They are vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian, carnivores. They have all helped me to grow into the person I am today.....tolerant of all people's views and understanding of their beliefs and values. However the one type of person I will never understand, tolerate or befriend is a bigot......and that's what this guy turned out to be. His posts became extremely offensive almost straight away....I couldn't believe what I was reading half the time....full of vitriol, hate and ignorance. I just won't stand for it.....I've not only "unfriended" him, I've also reported him to Facebook. None of us has the right to judge or comment on the lives of others....
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