That Word That word, Whispered through the corridors, Surrounded by so much fear; That word Screams empty sounds Draws a tear, silently; The letters encased in Dread and pain, Painting a dangerous image; As it's mentioned, My body flinches, My mind freezes; Memories rush back, Echoing endlessly, Thoughts torment; That word, Draws tears Piercing my heart; That word Escapes my breath, Leaves me petrified and alone;
Children Learn What They Live When I was young I saw a lot of things; I learnt about my purpose And how I should be treated; Since I've been alive, Or maybe since the age of five I saw my daddy drinking Drowning his sorrows and sinking; Chugging down the bottles, Full ahead the throttle; Lesson one; I learnt, Never cry or show pain, Keep it all hushed up inside; When I turned six, I watched him get his fix, Alcohol, smoke and crack, Which was a hell of a whack; Lesson two: I learnt, Ignoring the pain, Drowning the thoughts work; I crept down one eve, And was shouted at to leave, I saw my mamas eye, It was purple like a pie, She cried and cried and screamed at me, Told me Daddy wasn't mean; Lesson three: I learnt When someone hits you It's not their fault, stuff happens; When I watched the Telly, I saw a fat fat belly And thought about me tummy How people looked at me funny, I started skipping breakfast I always wanna be the thinnest; Lesson four: I learnt, Thin is pretty, No one likes fat; When I turned ten, I dropped school... again, Avoided all the bullies And people wearing hoodies, Hiding from the guys And all those dreadful lies; Lesson five: I learnt Schools for the rough ones, The ones who wanna fight; On my sweet sixteenth, I wore my baggy jeans And a Long sleeved top, Wanting all this to stop; I hid my skinny rib cage, My eyes sunken with age; Covered all the harsh hits But really I just wanna quit; Spirits linger on the tongue, I no longer look young; As I stand in the mirror I whisper to myself, 'At least I'm normal...' --- Inspired by @KT77 so thank you ❤
Voices Leave me alone, I beg of you, Please... Endless torments, Snide comments, Remarking at my every move; 'You worthless slut' You scream at me, 'Just go cut!' As I huddle up, The voices continue Luring me to my death; 'Fat, ugly cow,' They remark, Laughing silently; Their laugh echoes, Bouncing through my brain, 'Go die,' they shriek; I sob quietly, As the words sink in, Like the blade on my wrist; My hands shaking, Pausing... Finally plunging deeper; My thoughts fade, The voices cease, Peace at last; My voice seeps out, Like the blood dripping down my wrist, 'You won...' I whisper; ---- I am not schizophrenic, I am not crazy but I do hear voices. If you hear voices, lots of people can help and you don't need to resort to suicide, even if it seems like there's no other option. There always is. Stay strong xxx
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The Puppy
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