I've never been bullied as such in my #life, but going to an all girls school I realise that girls can be so very mean when they want to. I've always been slim, and there's one word that seems to have followed me around my whole #life: anorexic. I don't have an eating disorder, and the implication that I do is upsetting. I can't tell you the amount of times I've been told by a 'friend' that I need to put weight on and eat more and she has implied and sometimes blatantly said that I am anorexic. I am not. People do not realise how hurtful it is, to feel okay about your body one day, only for somebody to come along and tell me that I need to eat a burger, or that men prefer curves to bones. To feel that you're ugly and that nobody will ever love you. People who are overweight are often bullied, but people do not realise that you can be teased for being exactly the opposite. I cannot help who I am. This is me, and you can either accept that, or leave me alone.