Smile When #life hands you limes Rearrange the letters until you get SMILE!
My Lucky Charm CHAPTER1 There I stood , looking at a pile of packed cardboard boxes , full of our 'junk' as Dad calls it. That's when I realised that nothing's really permanent, that we could pack our lives away in boxes and it would be like we were never even there. And that's what we were doing. Just as a tear came to the corner of my eye ,Dad came and rested a hand on my shoulder, interrupting my thoughts , probably for the best as I didn't want to be alone , it would only make it worse. "Alright kiddo?" I heard him say and a small smile crept onto my lips. I nodded ,even though I wasn't alright and I knew he could tell. "It's going to be ok, you know, I know it's hard but..." "It will get better" I said with a sigh ,he had been saying that for weeks but somehow I didn't believe him. Time seemed to go so quickly yet so slowly at the same time ,it felt like I was stood staring at the empty room for forever but when we had to leave it felt too soon. I wasn't ready to go, I wasn't ready to leave all my memories behind ,yet at the same time I knew I couldn't stay there trapped in that endless moment, letting time freeze and #life stand still for just a little longer .But I couldn't help asking myself, "why not ?" Reluctantly I got in the car ,more tears formed in my eyes so I wiped them away with the long sleeves of my baggy red jumper which Mrs Pearson had bought me as a 'welcome to the neighbourhood' kind of gift. Glancing back at our house in Leeds I knew that this would be the last time I would look at this house and I was scared of forgetting. Forgetting my home, forgetting my friends ,even scared of forgetting old Mrs Pearson and her scraggy cat Tiddles but most of all scared of forgetting how my #life had been because I knew It wouldn't be the same when we moved to Ireland. CHAPTER2 The journey was long and it dragged out for what seemed like an eternity ,we sat in silence which made it a thousand times worse ,sitting and seeing my dad glance at me every so often to see if I was ok. I wasn't. I didn't want to move to Ireland ,I didn't know anyone there ,except my aunts ,who lovely as they are weren't about to become my new best friends. I had a lot of time to think and worry and I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't realise we were on the ferry until it was time to get off. After hours and hours of worrying and thinking and biting my nails until there was nothing left i managed to fall into a restless sleep leaving all my worries about what was ahead of us for when I woke up.