Stay. Suffering in your eyes. Before the terrors when everyone dies. Your #life in the palm of your hand. A flick of the wrist and you won't stand. You might as well fall to the ground. Instead of watching others fall all around . A flick of the wrist and you'll be dead. Maybe it's time to go to bed. Maybe this suffering can have an end. But suddenly memories come back to your head. How can you remember them if you are dead? The memories will die with you. The memories of how you grew. A flick of a wrist and you would be dead. But you drop the knife and forget the bad. Remembering all the memories you made. Of how you fought and now how you stayed.
Invisible Invisible to the naked eye. Silent as she walks by. Her skin soft as silk. Her face pale like milk she's gentile in her ways Her hair hangs over her face. What is she a disgrace? She tries not to feel. But will these scars ever heal? Maybe she wants to be seen. To pull back the curtain and be clean. She silently walks all alone. Not even noticing the impression she's shown. Other people walk her way. Completely unseen but will they stay?
Brian Beisigl
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