The Gift or The Curse - Chapter 5 Covering the two bodies with the pile of soil they had so kindly dug and placing two fir cones as make shift head stones George set about tracing their steps. They had been surprisingly heavy footed in their Timberlands and it wouldn't take any detective skills to find where they had come from. Time was of the essence, as he knew it wouldn't be long till the lack of activity, (which Fact Corp tracked through built in GPS sensors 'built into' their employees) would be detected. Similarly they would trace his steps and movements in their chipped ride and due to the privacy laws it would be difficult to start anyway without tearing out an eye ball; which in his haste he had decided against. To get a perfect retina sample was a surgeons not a savages work! He was off the network, he had to be or they would be on him already. However 20 minutes into his jog along the path, the yellow flashing tearing away at the tree tops told him he was soon to be alerted to. If he was to leave the path and head into the forest he would be harder to follow but heat sensors on the 'Wasps' (a high speed, lightweight air bike) would soon sense him. So he dug deep on the little energy gained from the flapjack and picked up his pace into something resembling a sprint. After a couple of minutes he came to a clearing where the two wasps lay, they were of no use to him, but a near by dragonfly (the transport of choice for the businessman; not as agile as a wasp but more refined inside and a smoother ride) might be his short term fix. "Is it boom or bust this week" George heard the businessman think. The markets were more volatile than ever with huge weekly swings bankrupting and making millionaires overnight. George calmly walked up to the Dragonfly and wrapped on the window. "Excuse me sir" George put on his best authoritative voice, "I need to commandeer your fly". "Who does he think he is!" the businessman readied; "and exactly who do...." "I am Kramer Vabguard and my business is not yours. You will be handsomely rewarded for your co-operation by my guards who will be here shortly if you wait with their wasps". "But this cost me £100,000 only six weeks ago" the man thought. "You will find 10 times the current value of this fly in your account within 3 hours. Which I estimate at 1 million pounds for your aid in this operation". Then putting his hand to his temple (as he had seen all top level Fact Corp agents do many times before), he made the supposed command. "6145 make a deposit of 1 million pounds to the account of... "Wow this guy is for real!" the businessman thought. "Phil Juniper" " D.O.B?" "Oh, er 10th of June 1978" Phil bumbled out still startled. "Thank you for your co-operation Mr Juniper" George commanded down to the Fly with a nod and like a Puppet Phil stuck his retina to the dashes display and the engine clicked into #life. Nodding in gratitude George slipped into the executive leather seat and smiled as the massager automatically worked his aching muscles as he voice commanded his destination, "Edinburgh Castle".
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