(MUST'READ) The Puppet Show World !
As a little girl I was made to believe the world was safe
I was told the only thing bad was when I'd misbehave
I still grew scared of the big wide world
As every night in my bed I curled
I thought and thought of all dangerous men
Coz they scared me way back then
Then I grew to realise It was all paranoid childhood
But soon after my eyes opened & I understood
The world is a dark place and always has been
The darkness lies alive under the bright sun screen
Whatever I read and watch is simply a theatre production
All mind games full of seduction
So cleverly were made to be puppets
And 99% follow on as muppets
Listen close , come here
Kneel down give me your ear
Let me whisper the truth behind the scummy politicians
They're all in it together it's a clear vision
If you don't understand me
It's because you lack knowledge
I don't blame you, you didn't chose to be brainwashed in school or college
But there's a huge game being played
Do you not see innocent children being slayed
Several places including Syria Bosnia and Palestine
We're sitting here doing jus fine
Is it not our duty to stop what's monstrously spreading
But we carry on dreaming of our graduation and wedding
Blind to what goes on
Let me tell u about Syria this is real news
As we laugh and eat there's a man on the loose
Did I say man? Sorry I meant beast
This beast Caged men and treated them like animals or less
Make them torture rape and kill - horrendously emotionless
Bashar is inhumane, his spraying bullets at families,
As we shop down self ridges top shop & hamilies
I don't blame you for not knowing the truth
After all the news hide and twist it in their booth
A widows 3 kids shot before her eyes
And the fourth taken away with the evil guys
They return the next morning and nail his head to the door
How can we sit and just accept what's happening
When 20,000 have died in Syria
Obamas "concerned" oh we'll that changes so much
The stories are endless as such
And these stories are first hand of someone from there
So don't you dare be a fool and not give a care
Coz if it was you you would be as helpless as them
A father made to watch his wife get raped his children ad parents killed - poor men
I'm sitting down London far far away
And I feel just as useless as tears flood my face
But I realised words can spread like a virus
Just as the horror movie is spread by that ruler oh so tyrant
Research what I speak of
For surely enough evidence is there
A brave woman got raped and made a video after to show her dispair
Calling for help from the world
And the world makes me and you
So share learn preach and spread,
Help the world revive - wake up - no more playing dead !