Crazy Is The New Sane Oh wow. Found this from a long time ago. Time to post it. ~Chess I've taught myself not to cry. It's change into a slow ache...growing inside me. I want to cry, just let it all run free. But I can't. I must be strong now, must be strong when everything is crashing around me. I'm spinning and falling and I can't get out of my head because all I want is you. You're everything that I need, everything that I'm not, my perfect other half. But I can't have you. Because its just not okay for me to have one thing that is perfect. Perfect, raw, just....mine. I need one thing that is mine and mine alone. And that's you. You're the only thing I need. I just pray that you need me as much as I need you.....Because if you do I will always be there. I'll be whatever you need me to be. Because I love you. And this's not a choice. It's a pull. Dragging out from my soul. It's a pull so strong it's impossible to resist even if I wanted to. But I don't want to. I could never want to let go of something like this, whatever "this" is. I know I sound crazy, but I don't care. When you've lost everything and are fighting to restart... Being crazy is the only thing that keeps you sane.
Guess Who's Back Ha. Miss me bitches? You should have. Kidding. Kindof. But yeah. Lots of shit happening, way too much for me to handle in one post. So now I actually am gonna write everyday. Like tomorrow, not now because I'm tired and wanna sleep. But yeah. You'll slowly get caught up with my #life, and I'll slowly ease back into...normal. Later sluts. ~Chess
The Cold Days The days go by like years as my bones are chilled. Cold weather does me no good, all I do is shake and wish for bones. Bones that I can barely see...for now. You see, cold makes me cold. It takes my soul and wraps its threads around and through it, holding it hostage until I can again feel warmth. Crazy? No. I'm perfectly fine. It's all of your eyes I'm worried about. I Can See. ~Chess
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