A story about #life from the perspective of an inanimate sex doll... Imagine what those eyes see...
A story about #life from the perspective of an inanimate sex doll... Imagine what those eyes see...
Prediction!! I predict that a touchless iphone/ipad is to come... Obvs the same os. its all powered using the same finger touches as before, but now, theres no need to even touch the screen. will be really helpful on ipad Maybe itll be out before iphone 10? Hope so.
Comedy- Sitcom Idea #1 With Simon Barnes
2 guys... Good mates. Us? Graduated from uni- both at morrisons on frozen... I come in as a frozen legend. I want to write ideas for films. Si wants write books. Both want to break out. And we live together in a crummy flat above spar, but we have chilli rd at our disposal. Rich (nsr reference) and craig live with us. Craig is a main character and rich is a supporting actor. One episode is about when rich goes on a surfing holiday and its about what me simon and craig get up to whilst rich is away. Adventure timeeee....!! Craigs boyfriend is a supporting role. Sean and simon are on the hunt for girls. Sean is story guy.
Bunk Crunch. Was that a crunch in my head? That can't be normal... i can feel the blood dripping down my face. I dont think i have long left. My foot moved... Why did it do that? My breathing is going funny. This must what Sylar's victims felt like... Or even the big guy from 30 days of night when Danny Houston stepped on his head. This isn't fair. I don't want to die. How am I here? The last thing i remember is getting into bed- my brother got into bed a bit ago... It woke me up. But now i am falling asleep. Maybe the bunkbed broke? I can open my eyes a bit... I begin to become aware of the situation. The top bunkbed has fallen... I think my head has been crushed by the bed. I would love a mars bar... Ohh no, a cold can of diet coke! All i can taste is blood. My head really hurts. I can hear someone... Dad? The bed moves... I scream... The pain is unbearable. Im definitely going to be brain damaged after this. Shit. Im blacking out. Am i dying? All i can feel is numbness. Im scared... i dont want this to happen... Mum...