I awoke in a small room, sitting on the cold floor. I could feel mold under my fingertips that were on the ground next to my body. The room was pitch black, I couldn't see a single thing. I stood up, carefully. I stumbled as I tried to walk, it was as if I hadn't stood in years.
Finally becoming stable, I walked around the room, using my hands against the walls as my guide. "What the hell?" I thought to myself. The last thing I remembered was going to sleep in my house. The next thing I knew, I was here.
I kept walking, my hands trembling against the walls. I finally came to a small square of metal on the wall. With a tiny switch in the middle of it. I felt it more. Wait, no, it wasn't a switch, it was a small knob. I pulled on the knob and out came a drawer. I felt around in the drawer and grabbed something. Feeling the mystery item, I heard the jingling and noticed it was keys. I felt them more and to my luck, found a keychain light. I scrambled to press the small button and finally see where I was. I clicked it on and looked around. The walls were deep red, like the color of my kitchen.
I squinted. Wait! It was my kitchen! I was in my own house! I shined the flashlight at the floor. What was that? Ew! It was blood! I looked at my hands, they were covered with blood. Who's blood though?
I was scared. I walked to my bedroom. All the lights in the house were broken. I couldn't find any of my family. I walked around my room. Bloody fingerprints covered the walls. My face cringed at all the blood. My bed sheets were blood-drenched. Even the pictures of me up on my bulletin board of when i was 13 last year had blood smears.
I suddenly heard a sound. I walked into my brothers room, the room it was coming from. To my horror, there was a man standing at the foot of my baby brothers bed. I clicked off the flashlight. I couldn't let him see me. It definitely wasn't my father. This man was way taller, for what I saw in his faint silhouette.
There was a little light in the side of the room, shining on my 2 year old brother.
I knew I had to do something. If this guy was going to hurt my brother, I couldn't let him. I needed to find my parents or my older sister Madison.
I tip-toed to Madison's bedroom, being as quiet as possible.
"What on earth is happening" I thought to myself. I found my sister, asleep in bed. Thankfully, she was alone. I woke her up.
Putting my finger to my lips as a signal to not talk, I told her that I thought someone broke into our house. Her eyes widened and she sprung out of bed.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I whispered angry as she went through her vanity drawers, furiously shuffling through things. She finally grabbed something. "Look, a long time ago mother gave me this. She told me I'd need it someday. I asked her why but she wouldnt tell me. " She shrugged. I shined the flashlight down at her hands and realized it was a gun. "Wait she knew we would need it someday? Do you know how to use it?" I whispered. "Dad taught me last summer"
Sneakily, we creeped down the stairs and out the front door. It was brutal outside. It was so unbearably cold that I felt icicles growing on my hands. Walking around the side of the house, we peered into our parents bedroom window. Shining the light into the room, we saw that they weren't there.
"Dammit. " Maddy said. "Where do you think they went?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"We can't let Jason get killed. There was a man above his bed, and it definitely wasn't Dad."
"Holy s***! Why didn't you tell me? We just left the house. We could die if we go back inside. What are we gonna do about Jason?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe we should go around to his room and look in the window." Maddy said.
So we did. We peered inside. The man was gone. And to our horror, Jason was too. Insanely scared, my sister and I walked around the perimeter of our pretty large house, peeking in windows to find our parents or the man with my brother.
We couldn't find anything. "We have to go back inside," Maddy whispered, her voice trembled. I nodded my head in agreement and entered the front door, very quietly. After that we walked upstairs and hid in my parents bedroom. We had to think of a plan first. "I think we should get you a gun. I have this one, but if we split up you won't be safe. I am pretty sure theres one in moms draw. Lets look through -" Maddy's quiet whispers were interrupted by the cry of a baby.
And then the sound of a roaring chainsaw. "Screw plans, lets go". I scrambled through mothers bedside drawer and grabbed the small pistol. Next I loaded it with ammo. "Thank god mom and dad took us to the shooting range last year," I whispered to Maddy, who was hyperventilating next to me.
When we left the room, we tip-toed downstairs to the bathroom. There, my mother lay, soaked in dark blood. Maddy could tell I was going to scream so she smacked her hand over my mouth and held it there. I screamed through her hand anyway.
I stumbled to the ground, hardly being able to breathe. I could not stop crying. "Wwe.. We.. Cops" is all I could pronounce. We searched the house for phones but we couldn't find any. What the hell is this? I better be dreaming.
I started pinching myself but it was no use. I looked over and found Maddy, who was loudly hyperventilating into a paper bag she mananged to find. I patted her back lightly. This was unreal.
Next, we snapped out of the cloud of fog and realized what we had to do. We quietly left the house and ran two blocks away to my boyfriends house. I knocked hard but no one answered. So we went to the next house. Knocking hard again, they didnt answer. Sobbing so hard our stomachs hurt, we went to every house but no one answered.
We collapsed in the middle of the road and cried, holding each other, when suddenly, I heard a boom. Maddy fell forward, ontop of me. Her dark, thick blood dripped slowly onto me. She was dead.
After sitting in the road, holding my dead sister, hysterically crying, Maddy started breathing. She opened her eyelids to reveal dark, soulless eyeballs.
'Sarah..." She croaked. "Sarah..." She started to lose her raspyness in her voice. "sarah..." Her voice was clear now. But it wasnt her voice. It was Mom's.
I suddenly woke up in a sweat. My mom was shaking me, calling me name to wake up. she smiled at me warmly, and I smiled back.
Sienna Williamson
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