Fallen From Grace When I finally fell, arms outstretched to you, did you even think about reaching out to catch me? Jade replaced your eyes and you were no longer who I knew. Rebellion burned in your face like the stars burned my skin. Yet I am the one who fell. I am the rebel now. Will you ever tell father the truth? Your hands were the blood stained ones that tore goodness away. You spoke as quietly as the sky, but looked just as fierce under the clouds. My heart beat with yours like smoke and fire but we burned until only ashes remained. Were you the coals that burnt the world to the ground? Oh but brother, I didn't fall I soared. (There is a certain freedom in letting go when the only choice is to hold on.) I dripped in blood and tears and love and everything human. Every breath I took was free. When the heavens dripped with blood did you think of me? They call me the sinner now, the one who fell from grace. Sin is #life and it boils in my veins. I will bring the sin to you, I will claw down the heavens and bring you true light. You call this hell but I have never felt so free.