Apocalyptia Part 1 Waiting for the world to end and I'm sitting in a bar. Plenty of people coming and going, seemingly oblivious to the pending doom. I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen when everything stops; I don't know if we're all going to die horribly or if we just cease to exist. And what becomes of everything else, not just the people, not just the animals, not just the #life. I wonder where the buildings will go, the roads, the street lamps, the oil rigs. I wonder too, if there are other people that know, just as I know, that we have no more time. Maybe there are people, people smarter than me, who have a plan; some way to survive, to rebuild, to reverse whatever it is that is no doubt inevitable. While I wonder, I'll drink. While I wait, I'll drink. While everybody else gets on with the day, with no knowledge of their ultimate fate, I'll keep drinking. Why not? A man walked into the bar, he had a black cap covering his eyes. He stopped dead as he entered and I could tell he was looking at me. I couldn't see his eyes but he was looking at me, I was sure of it. Then he pointed at me and beckoned me towards him. At first I looked away, and my heart was racing. My eyes were frantically darting from the dregs of rum at the bottom of my glass to the strange man who hadn't moved from the doorway and was still pointing at me. I stood up and, realising I felt rather more drunk standing than I did sitting, I sat back down. He was beside me before my backside hit the chair, too quick, much too quick. I thought I may have fallen asleep for a moment and in that time he had taken the liberty to creep up on me. Maybe I had been awake, maybe he was that quick.
Other Creative Outlets... I'm wondering if there is anything other than writing which cures your cravings for creativity...? I'm a very creative person, I play guitar (and sing, on occasion), bass and drums. I play bass in a band and write lyrics. I also make electronic music (mainly electro/progressive house) using software such as: Logic, Reason, Cubase, Ableton Live etc. Obviously, writing is a big part of my creative flow but it has only come about recently; I've been making music since I was about 12 (nearly 12yrs ago ) and I still love it as much as ever. So come on and share, what gets your creative ball rolling?
Play Crack The Sky A really beautiful song by Brand New called Play Crack The Sky. I wanted to share my favourite lyrics from it. If you haven't heard it, it's a must! They call them rogues, they travel fast and alone, One hundred foot faces of Gods good ocean gone wrong, What they call love is a risk, You always get hit out of nowhere, By some wave and end up on your own. // Your tongue is a rudder, it steers the whole ship, Sends your words past your lips, Or keeps them safe behind your teeth, But the wrong words will strand you, Come off course while you sleep, Sweep your boat out to sea, Or dashed to bits on the reef.
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Sam Kilbride
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Jon D
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