Just a teenage girl fighting through this world just a day at a time. Living my life by my own rules.
Trapped. No real friends. Not one. No one to really lean on, no one to really trust.. I'm trapped in a world of fakes and phonies.
Haha Carley: I threw a wish on the well.. Me: how do you thro.. Carley: don't ask me I'll never tell.. Me: oh okay
Not Worth It. People tell me, smile it's worth it. But why waste a fake smile? Cause it surely doesn't seem worth it.
Mind Blowing!! What if the reason that none of our 11:11 wishes come true is because that at 11:11 there is someone wishing that everyone else's 11:11 wishes won't come true?? Mind blowing...
Broken. I don't care how long I have to put a smile on my face. I will never let you know that you broke me.
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