TALES OF DEATH !!! Intro: This story is more of a tale, some truth lies within but as you read through, if you dare, then it will start to unfold that of a story that could have happend in some far away land. I present death as a person as well as something that happens to you, So be not afraid of his presence in near future. Chapter 1 I tossed and turned on my bed all night as I thought about the awful truth I had to face: I couldn't stay in this dense zoned out house forever. I needed to Speak up and get noticed in the world, before it was to late. I was sleeping out as usual my dad was probably drunk down the pub and my 'nanny' had no care in the world apart from her phone; I never expected it to change not even when I was gone, it's been this way for as long as I can remember. When i was about 10 years old i was diagnosed with lucimia which is a type of cancer, which meant i had to go into hospital a lot to have chemo therapy which made my hair fall out. However it did mean I could wear different cool hair styles to school.Although it's sometimes nice to be treated like royalty and to have everyone at your beck and call, it really hurts to know it's only because you've been given 18 months to live your #life to the full. But like my mother, who died 10 years after being diagnosed and when I was 2, I was going to deify death and prove I was a strong little girl with no fear of dying. I wasn't going to drift away into the arms of Death, because I had the world, especially doctors, on my side to help. 3 months later i ran away from my childhood care house ( i called it house because i never felt at home. ) so i named the streets home. however it was cold and still i gained no respect or recognition but it was where i knew i belonged. Death walked in and planted a platter of delicious food. He then left me once again so that i could bury myself in my thoughts. I lived down a cold dusty avenue, the walls were covered in graffiti and you could just make out tHe sign that read- shadow close alley - not so appetising. to one side of me was a bakery and some times he would let me have the leftovers and to the right there was a sweet shop. when i wasnt busy daydreaming about what #life is really for, i would go into the shop as a browsing customer and then run out of the shop with a handful of sweets. but eventually i was banned from the shop, never to return. The days passed and so did the months, although i was waiting for death to attack, fight, then takeover i was happy. i could do what i wanted when i wanted with no bossy adults in my way. I was having the time of my #life, it was the time of my #life i had been dreaming about since my mum and dad dumped me in that big house when I was 3. I could remember driving through the gates for the first time, seeing the occasional buttercup gazing up to the clear sky. Its yellow head pointing up and its green body standing firm on the grassy floor. As I stepped out of the car a strong breeze tossed my hat away and into a strong flowing stream that seemed to go on for as far as I could see. We were greeted with warm welcomes from all the staff and other occupiers this time I felt properly royal but as soon as my parents left me I felt worthless and unwanted again. I was led to an undecorated room at the back of the house.