Chosen Part 24: I stopped immediately trying to fight back.. At an instant silence was the night again. I couldn't move or anything, my body was just frozen. I grew nervous to do or say anything but this silence was overwhelming me. "Whuh.. Who are you?.." This voice was not Michael.. it was WAY different.. Michael always seemed on edge, demanding.. This voice?.. It was.. warm. "You know who I am boy, you just choose not to believe that it is I." His voiced echoed the night sky. My palms grew sweaty and I could feel my throat drier than ever. "I.. I uh.." "You chose to scream so loud earlier? Silas, why is that you choose to be so quiet now?..." "I.." "C'mon on with it!" He yelled. My body shook as if His voice struct the night, like a lightining bolt making contact with the concrete streets. My body grew nervous and I felt like I was gonna faint. "Ah!!! haha I'm just kidding boy! You should have seen your face!" His laugh shook everything around me. I looked down checking to see if I pee'd myself first and then looked back up at the#moonbut this time something glowed before.. A white light almost. "Your kidding me right?.. I mean your.. "God".. You know?.." "Yes, dont you think I know that?.." "You just scared the heck out of me, and then you joked about it?.." "HA!.. I can joke around?.. I mean for instance, the Grand Canyon, guess what happened!.." I thought carefully about what could have happened. "Uhmm.. could it b-" "Nope!" "What abo-" "Nope!" "Ugh! You gonna let me guess?.." "Your answers are wrong?.." "How do you-.. Thats not fair.." "Haha do you give up boy?.." "Yes.." "I sneezed!!!.." He began to laugh real loud and honestly?.. It was actually really funny. I laughed along with him, my body still floated but I was free of what ever was holding me. Slowly it became silent again and all I could do was think about what was I was told earlier. "You are angry with me, but you do not understand. Not yet. But in time you will see. Everyone has a path that I have given them. It is up to them whether they choose to stay on that path. People think I hate them and bring sadness upon their lives when its not their lives to live nor is I who bring it upon them. It is themselve yet they do not understand. I give them the lives they have but I do not force them to believe in me. I let them choose for themselves. Just like I have let you choose what to do and so far? You have done everything that is right and justice. What else is that you wish to know Silas?" "The only thing I wish to know is why me?.." I tried to look at Him in His eye's but the light shined too bright. "..Because you will be the voices of this generation.. know that you are not alone.." His voice echoed throughout the sky. "What does that mean?.." No answer. "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!..." I grew frustrated again. I didn't know what that meant but I knew that I had to prepare myself for this so called war. I sat there on the roof looking out to the stars hoping to have a sign or something. I took off my hoodie and threw it into my room window. I stood up to the edge of my roof and looked down. It was about 25-30ft from the ground. I closed my eyes and tried to keep my balance right so that I could concentrate on the muscles in my back. Slowly I could feel my shoulder blades spread apart. The pain shot through it and I could feel the wings slowly tear through. I knew that I would never be able to get use to this pain.. Or at least I thought. I spread both my wings apart to see how far they would go. I would say that each wing was about 7ft long. I was actually impressed with myself. I looked at the ground and before I actually knew what I was going to do, I jumped off the roof. I dove like I was going to dive in a swimming pool but my arms were at my side, my wings going from expanded to pocketing in. I looked at a spot on the ground for a second but focused back onto the muscles in my wings. I bent the front of my primary coverts up, and bent down the terteals so that the wind would push my wings up and it would send me up through the air. I scared myself realizing last minute that I was too close to the ground, so I flapped my wing up so that I could gain some distance from the ground. I perked and aimed my wing so that I could get higher. I was able to glide off the ground barely and able to have a little run off the ground before gliding back through the air
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