Translate   12 years ago

Chosen Part 23: After Kenny left I went into the house and ignored everybody. I was so exhausted from earlier today, all that had my attention was my bed. As soon as I got into bed, I collapsed. Knocked out cold would be the best way to describe it. My eyes opened to a pitch black room. Pure black. Slowly, light surrounded the floor around me in a circle. I notice i had my football gear. I looked up to see the moon. It was bigger than usual.. but a full one. My heart began to race, beating faster and faster. My back began to crack, I could feel the urge of my wings to be drawn, grow. "AGH!!!!!" this time was different. Like.. I was being forced to have them out. I took my helmet off and threw it at the ground. I fell to the ground. I realized now that I was on our football field. I grabbed onto the grass clawing what I could to ease the pain. "WHY?!!... WHY ME?!... MICHAEL.. ANSWER ME!!" "Silas.. I understand your frustration. Please take a deep breath. You were not human boy, you were an angel all along. Your parents and sister are not your real family. I am. God created you because I needed you for this reason. Satan's army grows stronger and his son Luke is gathering people for that reason." Hearing all that made me even more angry. My body began to float above the field like I was being pulled. A beam took my body higher then the goal posts. I had no control. Tears began to drip down my face. "I never asked for this!" I screamed in tears . "There are many called my brother, but only few are chosen. You.. You were chosen to lead this army. You know the ways of the world. We need you more than ever now Silas." My wings ripped through my back. "Silas, I know you are angry but you have to let all of this anger go." "So the Hawkens.. they're not my real family?.." "No.. but we chose them to raise you because He knew that the mother would have gotten a grip on your heart." "I see.." "If you truly understand then know that no one could come close to being your family like the Hawkens." "I see it no other way." "With your permission Silas, I would like to show you the future. The battles to come.. The war that will shake this earth." I lost my breath for a second. "You mean like the Armageddon?.. The last war.." "Yes.." "Please.. I need to know what I must prepare for.." "Very well." "Before I do this, close your eyes." I did so. In a second, my body tigtened, my body spazzed causing every muscle to cramp up. The beam released me and I hit the ground landing perfectly like my reflex just sharpened. My muscles became a little bigger than before. "What did you do?.." "You matured a little is all." I could tell he was being a smart aleck. "Ha.." I replied. I looked up to the see that the ssssssky was a dark red now. I seen this before in my other dream. The field was torn up and debris was everywhere. Smoke was in the air and fog covered the field. I looked around but could not see anything. "What happened here?.." Slowly the fog disappeared and bodies piled on the ground before me. "The world is going to tear itself apart." "How?.. Why?.." "Lucifers lies happened.. They became swallowed up and consumed by sin. Lucifer took their souls by deceiving them. No one was there to defend them.. Silas.. Darkness overcame them. You have the power to change that.. Stop him from doing so." "How?.. What do I do?!.." I became frustrated. "You will know what to do." I awoke in the middle of the night growing emotionally and physically drained over the past few weeks, since my birthday. All of this is too much for me to handle. I'm 18, almost graduated, last year of highschool. Last but not least, I have enough teenage problems to deal with as it is. How the heck am I suppose to do that and all of this at the same time?.. What is Michael thinking.. I then sat there wondering what it is that I needed to do to save all of these people. As I laid there thinking more about the situation, faces came to mind. My friends clouded my thoughts.. Then my family. My sister.. My Mother.. I thought about what Michael had said, how could she not tell me?.. I began to tear up thinking about it.. All of those years believing that the lady who raised me was my actual mother was a lie.. I jumped out of bed, put on a hoodie and snuck out my window onto our roof. We had a two story house and on the roof is an area where I would sit and looked up to the stars and think but I haven't been up here in so long. I sat there, running all that had just happen.. all that I have been told in my head. I sat there and thought just.. why couldnt I be normal like everyone else... I stood up not being able to keep any of it in any longer.. "WHY?!!.. WHY ME?!... OF ALL THE PEOPLE YOU CREATED?.. OF ALL THE THINGS.." I cried out hoping that God would answer me. "YOU DID THIS TO ME.. I NEVER WANTED ANY OF THIS.. ANSWER ME!!!!..." The anger began build in me and all it did was fuel my rage and all I wanted to do was reek havoc on everything before me. My body began to tense up and my muscles tightened. I slammed my fist into the roof punching a hole into my room. My back began to break and I could feel my wings claw out of my back ripping skin. "AGHhh!!!!......" I let out a loud scream that pierced the silent night. I dropped to the ground landing on my knees, tears escaping the corner of my eyes.. My wings sheated to its fullness. My breaths deeper... harder to control.. I looked up hoping to find the answer but to only see the#moonbefore me. The#moonwas full and it glowed brighter than usual. My eyes stared, focusing on it, not being able to move from its sight. My body started to float.. My wings didn't move at all. I couldn't process what was going on before me. My legs came together, my arms pointing outwards into different directions. My body being pulled.. "Be still my son... Do not fight it.."

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