Traducciones   13 años

One Night Only - Intro The first time I saw him was across a sea of laptops and notebooks, with the solvent scent of whiteboard markers heavy in the air as the too small room crowded with people desperate to have their input and make their mark on the latest project. In a sea of men in their too tight suits with perspiration beading on their faces, he was an aura of calm, shirt sleeves rolled casually up over muscular forearms, dusted lightly with short dark hairs. I couldn't help but to fix my gaze on those arms, and watch his hands as he calmly took control of the meeting and made order from chaos. My stomach tightened as I thought of other uses for those hands, but he would never notice me, so I tucked those thoughts away and promised myself I would save the fantasy for later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was in hell, another Brainstorming session, one of those mindless meetings that sucks the very soul out of the day. You run these knowing that nothing will be achieved, everyone will feel their ideas are the best, then get angry and confrontational as they are shot down in front of their peers. However they are a necessary evil in my line of work, so I gritted my teeth and prepared to make he best of it. As usual, the conference was too small, overfilled and poorly ventilated. I could already feel tempers fraying, so with an internal sigh, I took off my jacket, rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I was grateful at least that I had been booked into a decent hotel, and my bungalow had a fully stocked mini bar, room service and a huge walk in shower and I intended to make full use of all three when this hell was over. Then I saw her, standing at the back of the room with the tip of her pen playing against her lips. Tall, with long dark brown hair caught up in a clip so that the ends tumbled back to play at the nape of her neck, she stood out from the crowd of sweaty IT techs and pushy execs around the table. Carefully,whenever I could I stole a glance and tried to assemble the picture before me. She was wearing a stern and uncompromising black dress, standard office issue, but on her body it was transformed, hugging curves that should have been censored, and perfectly showcasing her hourglass figure that had my cock twitching as I tried to concentrate on the data I front of me. As I stole another look, I saw she was watching me. Suddenly my plans for the evening took a whole new direction.

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