Daddy's Gone 15.1 She got up and walked over to the kitchen where she collected three large wine glasses which she brought back over to the glass coffee table. She opened one of the screw-top bottles of wine and poured out three full glasses, leaving the bottle empty, then passed them around. “Okay well I think I know what I’m wearing anyway, so I can categorically remove a dress and a pair of shoes from the communal closet.” She walked over to the small mountain of clothes and picked up a small black dress with thick cross-hatching across the back, with this slung over her shoulder she bent down to pick up her pair of black platform Louboutin’s. With the shoes in one hand and the dress over her shoulder she took her glass of wine, winked seductively at the girls and made her way back upstairs to get changed. “And then there were two,” said Holly as soon as Kat had disappeared upstairs. “Any idea what you’re wearing yet? I’ve promised Kat she can choose my outfit, I’m slightly worried already.” “With good reason might I add,” replied Shiv. “I think I’m going to decide on shoes first and then dress from the bottom up.” She scanned the floor carefully, eyeing every pair with microscopic precision. Hey eyes settled on a pair of minimalist heels with a diamante studded ankle strap. She reached down to pick them up while still holding her glass diligently in her left hand. “My problem now is that these might go with just about anything, #life is not easy is it?” She stood up and walked to the pile of clothes and began leafing through them, throwing her rejections on the floor as she went. Eventually she pulled out a white layered crepe dress which she held above the shoes to achieve a suitable insight into their chemistry. “This is going to have to do, I never thought I’d say it but I’m bored of looking at all these clothes.” Holly laughed and drank some wine, they both turned as they heard the door upstairs open. Kat came down the stairs walking sideways and sliding down the wall, her eyes focussed solely on placing her feet carefully on each step. Shiv took this as her cue to leave the room and to get dressed herself. “Such a nice sunset tonight isn’t it?” Said Holly dreamily. “Nobody cares about sunsets, babe,” quipped Kat, “you need to get dressed, Hols! Like now!” “Yeah, yeah I know, can you tell me what to wear already and I’ll put it on.” Kat walked around the room, sipping her wine and apparently deep in thought. After a minute she walked to the centre of the room, picked up a pair of leopard print satin pumps, a dark grey pencil skirt and a black silhouette blouse. “You’ll have to wear a nice bra with this though, babe. But on the bright side Caleb’s going to be putty in your hands.” “No he won’t, Felix has these obscene rules about the staff having relationships.” “Ah, the old man? That’s weird. So he’s going to be there tonight I suppose, any plans on maybe playing the biological relation card?” “I don’t really see how it’s possible. Maybe he’s better off not knowing.” “Are you mad?” Kat shouted in astonishment, “He’d be mad not to want you as a daughter. If you like I can tell him for you, it would be my pleasure.” “Yes I’m sure it would, making my #life a soap opera sounds right up your street.” “Can’t blame a girl for having a penchant for drama,” she replied. “It’s no wonder you got on so well with my mother.” Shiv saved her from the conversation by coming back into the living area, her giant blue eyes embedded in smoky shadow and blonde hair tied up in a bun on top of her head. “What are we talking about?” She asked sitting back down on the sofa, “Actually I know I asked but I don’t care. I’m out of wine can we open another bottle please?” “Sure we can,” answered Kat, sitting down beside her, “Holly’s just about to go and get dressed, aren’t you Holly?” “Yes yes yes, I’m going, I’m going.” Holly heaved herself out of her seat and took the clothes from Kat before finishing her wine in one gulp and going into her mother’s room which had now become her own. By ten o’clock Felix was riding in a taxi with Belle back towards The Bar. The pink sunset had begun to give way to darkness. Belle was wearing high waisted grey tapered trousers and a white sleeveless shirt with a pair of black heels which were so high she had to take Felix’s arm everywhere they walked for support, something which didn’t bother him at all. Felix’s emotions were in such a blur that he wasn’t even able to distinguish himself what he was feeling. His happiness at simply being with the woman he loved was overshadowed by his trepidation about the night, his certainty that things with Carlo couldn’t end this smoothly and that eventually his serene little bubble would burst. The front of the bar was closed and locked, the lights were off and if you weren’t invited then you would have no idea that anything was happening behind these closed doors. It being a Tuesday night the footfall on the streets was low, the taxi pulled up at the entrance to the side street which led to the alleyway down which all the guests would make their way tonight. The driver took his money and looked slightly confused as to where his two well dressed passengers would be going from here. Nonetheless he took the money without comment and Felix made his way to the courtyard with Belle in tow. He led her down the stairs and into The Bar. The room had transformed, the ice sculpture which had been nothing more than a block of ice when he left was now a fully formed duplicate of Venus de Milo. Those lights that were still on only cast enough illumination in the room to vaguely make out the shapes of furniture. The only well lit area of the room was the bar itself and the row upon row of spirits and bottles which made up the display behind it. The staff were poised in their positions, some behind the bar and some already holding trays laden with champagne flutes. One of the rear tables was already occupied by Carlo and nine other men, all in suits and all of them white. Some had the typically Slavic appearance of many London bouncers so Felix assumed that some must be from Russia at least, others he had met before, two were French business partners and one was a Spaniard. He knew he would have to play host, even to those guests who he hadn’t invited. He led Belle to the bar and asked Caleb to get her a drink. Then he made his way to the back of The Bar where Carlo was laughing about something which Felix knew probably wasn’t funny at all. “I trust everything is to your liking gentlemen,” said Felix as he approached the table. The music was still at a volume which could be spoken over. Bella and Liga were sat with their legs resting over their own turntables, swapping cigarettes and comparing the flavours. “Ah boys,” began Carlo, addressing his guests, “this is Felix, renowned London bar owner, womaniser, philanthropist, philosophist, mixologist and all round bon viveur.” Felix gave a shallow bow to his guests, to his left others had begun to move inside in small groups, some in suits like his, others in more garish garments which had probably been accessorized on the taxi ride here. “Felix, Vlad here has heard that you’ve stocked up in these Methuselas and wants to get his order in early, so could we have one brought out to the table?” “Sure I’ll get one of my guys to bring it out to you, anything else?” “Yeah, some of these guys have got a boat waiting on standby in Portsmouth which will be leaving at five AM, so we’ll need to use the back room at around one or two okay? Then we’ll all be out of your hair and you can wind everything down as you like.” “Right, sounds fine. If there’s anything else then just give either me or Caleb a shout.” The other men at the table seemed to nod their thanks or approval, Felix wasn’t sure how much of the conversation they had understood, or how much they thought he knew about their operation. A little dazed and in need of a drink he made his way back to the bar where Belle was nursing a champagne cocktail. He walked to her side and kissed her cheek, noticing that she had ordered for him and that a drink was already waiting. He picked it up and they clinked glasses. “Everything okay?” He asked her. “Everything’s fine, are you?” “I will be, once everyone gets here and those morons start to actually play some proper music.” “Is that your DJ’s over there?” “It’s supposed to be, Caleb found them. Probably in a squat somewhere I imagine.” Over Belle’s shoulder Felix could see a steady stream of people entering The Bar, most were making a direct line to the bar but some were choosing to occupy the few remaining seats. Felix leaned over the bar to get the attention of a couple of the girls that had been hired specifically to work the night, “I need you two to be out on the floor making sure that everyone gets what they want, remember its cash only. One of you run to the back and take out one of the Cristals to the rear table with all the guys around it, then come back and get glasses for them, lots of glasses, they won’t be drinking alone for long.” The girls just nodded and proceeded to carry out their orders. Caleb walked into the bar through the double entrance doors and came towards the couple. “Evening all,” he said, shaking Felix’s hand, “you both look wonderful.” “You don’t look so bad yourself,” chimed in Belle, “you wouldn’t fancy a date for tonight would you?” Felix looked on in mock horror. “I think I value my job too much for that I’m afraid.” “And rightly so,” added Felix. “Your loss then,” smiled Belle. Felix felt his legs buckle from under him as something hit the back of one of his knees. “Oi! Oi!” Screamed Julian as he came screaming into the bar, cigarette limply hanging lit from his mouth, a slightly alarmed looking girl under one arm who Felix vaguely recognised as Belle’s friend Sophia or Sophie and a half empty bottle of passion fruit rum in the other. “Let’s get this mother fucking party started then eh?” Julian strode into the centre of their group wearing what might have been children’s suit trousers from the last century, they came to an end four inches above a pair of mahogany effect winkle-pickers which were being worn without socks. He slammed the bottle down on the bar and ordered a drink from the nervous looking youth behind it. “Why did you bring that?” Asked Felix, “it’s not like you’re going to be paying for anything is it?” “No probably not but you know me, I never turn up to a party uninvited....No wait I do that, I mean empty handed, yeah that’s it.” Sophia or Sophie extracted herself from Julian’s grip and was enjoying some face time with Belle. Julian took Felix’s arm and pulled him to one side, “Are we skiing tonight, sonny?” “Is that your primary concern?” “Party first, drama later, it’s just simpler that way.” “Right, if you go into the back from here, the same way you came in but instead of turning left to go out just go through the door in front of you.” “Yep, yep.” “Well in there I assume you’ll find a sizeable quantity of what you’re looking for. But sharing is caring so take one of the little silver bowls I’ve laid out and bring one of those out for the bar, we’ll start moving the rest out as and when.” Julian scampered off to the back room leaving Caleb and Felix standing clandestinely at the bar while the girls caught up on their gossip. The music now was beginning to react to the rapidly filling room, higher tempo and volume accompanied the guests as they made their way into the room. The table across from Carlo was taken over by some of Felix’s contacts within the London night scene, many of them owned their own establishments which were too well known to get away with any of the misdemeanours that The Bar was famous for. They had already ordered two of the Methuselas and the waiters had been handed a pile of money from the table which they seemed unsure what to do with. Felix navigated through the thickening crowd towards the back tables, he collared one of the waiters so that he could whisper in his ear, “Every time someone hands you a wad you run it to me, and listen I know exactly how much we’ll be making off these so don’t try and play me up short, got it?” The young man nodded as he poured another glass of champagne. Felix slid himself onto a space at the end of the banquette next to Nico Panianyotus, a young Greek millionaire who, along with his arms trafficking brother, had opened a private gentleman’s club in the heart of Knightsbridge called The Duke’s Club. He and Felix had met by chance at their barber’s, a chance conversation had revealed their shared occupation, hence his invite. Felix knew that some of the other men around the table were involved in their own degree of misdeeds but imagined that none of them had ever been sat with ninety kilograms of cocaine in their office. He shook the hands of everyone he could reach, exchanged smiles, offered drinks and made sure that all needs were being catered for. Nico leaned across to Felix who was busy surveying the room. “Felix, buddy?” said Nico, waving a hand in front of Felix’s face. “Oh hey sorry, just trying to make sure everything’s going smoothly.” “You look like death mate.” “Got a lot on my mind at the moment, I’ll be alright once everyone gets here...I just need everyone to get here.” “It’s alright mate, they’re coming, we just need the girls to arrive,” he said rubbing his thighs. “They’re expected presently, my boy but you know the girls, they love to arrive late, make more of an entrance that way.” Felix took another look around the room, most of the men on the list had arrived already, many had brought dates with them, which meant that those that hadn’t were waiting for the single crowd. He excused himself from the table and made his way around the corner to make his way through the corridor. On his way he nearly crashed into Julian who was walking back out of the bar with two small rectangular, stainless steel dishes each housing a fistful of Carlo’s contribution to the evening. “I said one for the bar, Jay,” said Felix sternly, “you seem to have two in your hands, oh and what’s that? Yes, one up your fucking nose.” “Key to the bloody kingdom buddy! You give that shit away this is what happens!” He glided past Felix and danced his way through the crowd offering everyone he passed a nose-full of his glistening white powder. Felix watched him disappear into the crowd before he made his way through the murky corridor and quickly up the spiral staircase. In the courtyard a couple who were obscured in a dark corner were doing something more than kissing, Felix ignored them and approached Carlo’s henchmen who were now standing at either side of the gate to act as doormen. One of the men was locked in a heated argument with someone who Felix couldn’t see because the man was so big that he engulfed whoever it was in front of him. As he came closer Felix recognised the voice, the well enunciated syllables, elongated vowels. Sarah, whose head stood a mere five foot and two inches off the ground, was screaming in this heavy set man’s face. The man seemed totally aloof to her distress and was chewing gum with an open mouth. Felix side-stepped the doorman and took Sarah’s arm mid-sentence. “You’re causing a scene, Divine this is supposed to be a private night. Now what’s the problem?” “Can you let go of my arm please?” Felix loosened his grip but didn’t let go entirely. “This Neanderthal doesn’t seem to realise that not all of my guests are down on his stupid list because I couldn’t get all of their names down as definites.” “Right well that’s an easily solved problem isn’t it,” said Felix in an effort to placate her. “Also some of them have brought friends with them.” “Not boyfriends I hope.” “Maybe one or two,” she said half ashamedly. “That wasn’t part of the agreement, Divine.” “Just get us in, Felix,” she said exasperated, “and don’t call me Divine.” Felix signalled to the doorman with an all enveloping, invisible lasso. “All of this group, whoever this midget tells you is part of it, can go in okay?” The huge man nodded his enormous block head, “And if you have any more problems just call me, and if I don’t pick up call Carlo and he’ll come and get me.” Sarah thanked him and filed in with her guests. Felix pulled another cigarette out of the packet he kept inside his jacket, lit it and leant against the wall while smoking it. He gave some silent nods and fraudulent smiles to a few more people making their way down. One woman, who he recognised from watching morning television with Lola, walked in swooning on the arm of a very masculine looking woman wearing an extremely narrow cut Prada suit, buttoned over a bare chest, revealing her small naked breasts. A trio of girls he didn’t recognise came down the small passage laughing arm in arm, he guessed that they were stragglers from Sarah’s party, but as they came nearer to the glow from the courtyard Felix recognised the girl in the middle as his employee. As the passed him he lowered his cigarette and nodded a silent greeting, the two girls chaperoning smiled back but Holly instinctively lowered her eyes to the floor. Felix remembered suddenly why he had agreed to let these girls attend and was suddenly awash with a sense of sympathy. He took a step forward and gently took Holly’s right arm as she and her friends faced the bouncer. She turned around with a look of bewilderment but was able to quickly control it and return to smiling again. Felix beckoned with a nod of his head for her to step aside a moment and for the other two to wait inside. Once he has pulled her away he was unsure of what he wanted to say, “Caleb told me about your mum,” he faltered, “I’m really sorry.” He could already see her face creasing, above all else he didn’t want her to cry so needed to end this quickly. “I lost my father when I was younger than you, I know it’s not easy,” as he was saying this he felt his own eyes welling up, “so if you need anything you let me know okay?” Holly remained silent, she nodded and managed a closed mouth smile. “Okay, that’s all I wanted to say, don’t get upset. Go inside with your friends and have fun, it should be a good night.” She turned and left to meet Shiv and Kat who were waiting just on the other side of the gate. Felix was just beginning to hear the beginning of some music coming from below, indistinct enough to be coming from anywhere, he hoped. Felix finished up his cigarette and decided to return downstairs to join his guests, especially Belle who he hoped he wasn’t neglecting. Inside was truly starting to resemble what Felix loved most about his bar, people were dancing freely, singing to each other. Some stood gossiping, others leant on walls or tables kissing. One of Sarah’s guests, who Felix knew to be a model for Agent Provocateur, was stood to the side of the ice sculpture pouring a bottle of Dom Perignon into her slightly open mouth while two more models drank from the fountains which poured from her icy nipples. A vaguely transparent fog of smoke had collected in the centre of the room, Felix could smell a sweet hint of marijuana which made him nostalgic. The two large tables at the back which had previously been populated solely by men were now inundated with opportunist women on the hunt for free drinks and mutually beneficial relationships. Felix returned to where he had last seen Belle at one end of the bar, she was still there marvelling at everything going on around her. To her side Julian had one arm around Sophie or Sophia’s waist and was swaying behind her while sporadically taking shots from the bar. Felix slid his arm around Belle, happier than he could explain to be back next to her. “Sorry I’ve been running around making sure everything is running smoothly, I hope he hasn’t been too much to deal with,” he said gesturing to Julian who was swaying his head now, eyes shut, in time to the music. “It’s fine, baby. Is everything going according to plan?” “It is actually, I’m kind of shocked. I’ve had this awful feeling all month that this is going to go horribly wrong somehow but it seems fine at the moment, touch wood,” he said as he knocked twice on the bar. Sarah inserted herself into the middle of their little group with a glass of champagne in hand. “Ah, Divine, nice of you to join us,” Felix said without releasing his grip on Belle’s waist. “Your friends seem to be enjoying themselves.” Sarah looked over towards the dance floor where the people she’d brought with her were screaming and dancing in a group. “They do seem to be having rather a lot of fun don’t they.” She rolled her eyes and took a drink. “So who’s this then?” she asked, simultaneously tilting her head coquettishly and extending a hand. Belle smiled and held her hand out too, “My name’s Belle, I’m....” she began shaking Sarah’s hand but not finishing her sentence. “She’s Felix’s lover!” shouted Julian, still swaying his head but obviously listening. “Hi, Jay,” said Sarah, “long time no see.” “True! How about a cheeky shot to celebrate?” “No I don’t think so, I start doing that now and I won’t be here tomorrow.” “Oh go on,” Julian persisted. Ignoring him Sarah turned back to Felix and Belle, “So people are saying this is the last one, are they right?” “Afraid so,” said Felix, “I’m taking a step back from the business. Caleb’s taking over for me.” “So he’s the one I want to sleep with is he? I see, and where can I find this young man?” Felix scanned the bar, genuinely wondering where Caleb might be. At the other end of the bar, close to the usual exit he saw him, looking extremely dapper in his tuxedo, a slight wave in his parted hair, stood with Holly and her two friends laughing together. Caleb’s fingers were gently coiling between Holly’s, Felix noticed and he didn’t mind. Even after the lectures, the rules and regulations he knew that it was one that Caleb was probably always going to break, just like Felix probably would have done at the same age in the same position. “He’s over there,” Felix pointed with his eyes so that Sarah could see, “but it looks like you may have missed your chance there, Divine.” “Oh sugar!” she said sarcastically, “and don’t call me Divine, Felix I hate it.” “Like I said, blame your parents.” Sarah huffed and returned to her guests, some of whom seemed to be undressing and posing seductively with his sculpture. “Ex girlfriend?” whispered Belle into his ear. “I don’t think you can really call her that,” he laughed. “But we certainly have a history, however ancient it is. Is it really that obvious?” “Well you do communicate have that bitter of old couple type of communication going on.” “Yes, I’d say that basically is our relationship in a nutshell. Thank God we never got married.” “We might never have met,” she speculated. “Well then I’m even more glad we didn’t marry,” he said taking her face with his right hand and kissing her. “I’ve got to go and check on things in the office, do you mind being left with this idiot?” “No, not at all, don’t worry. Sophie probably needs someone to look after her anyway.” “Ah Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. I’ve been wondering all night whether it was Sophie or Sophia, you might want to tell Julian.” Belle laughed but Felix remained deadpan, she laughed more. He kissed her again, picked up a glass of champagne off of one of the passing waiters and made his way to the office. Felix had really gone to the office to take a moment to relax, once inside he sat back in the large armchair and enjoyed his drink with a certain satisfaction that he’d pulled it all off. With tonight out of the way he could focus on the next phase of resolving his #life, putting his personal relationships in order. He knew that whatever happened now his only real interest was Lola, protecting her from any harm which could befall her, especially because of him, was his only concern. He lit another cigarette, it was the only thing to do, he inhaled and let his head fall back against the head rest of the chair. The music suddenly got louder, Felix was aware that someone must have opened the door, his head snapped back into an upright position. Carlo entered the room, smiling emptily, closing the door behind him. “Should you be leaving your guests alone?” Asked Felix, sitting upright and finishing his champagne. “We need to talk,” said Carlo. “We do?” “Yeah.” “Oh right, about what exactly?” Felix asked in annoyance. “I’m just not sure that you leaving this place in the hands of that kid is really a good idea. I mean, I’ve spoken to ‘im, he seems sound, y’know, a good kid no doubt.” “But?” “We started this place, Felix and I think it’s gotta stay ours.” “I’ve made my decision, Carlo I’m sorry but that’s it.” “I think you might be misunderstanding me here Felix, I’m not really asking you.” Felix thought for a moment, wondering how carefully to choose his words. “I think, I think but I’m not sure, that maybe you’ve misunderstood me, Carlo.” He took a dramatic lungful of warm smoke, “This is it for you and me, Carlo. After tonight I don’t even want to see you again,” he leaned forward in his seat, his hands underneath the desk to hide his white knuckle grip on his champagne glass. “You get rid of that shit over there and that’s it.” Carlo slid his chair forward and rested his head on his left hand which was propped on the desk, still smiling, he sighed. “Oh well, Felix. What can I say?” “Not a lot,” Felix cut him off before he could enter into one of his tedious monologues. “I saw your boy Caleb with that other girl who works here, now what’s her name again?” “Holly. Have you got anything you want to ask me? Because if not I’d like a few minutes to myself if you don’t mind,” said Felix growing angrily impatient. “Yeah I know who she is,” said Carlo, “she was living with me for a little while actually.” “You what?” Felix began, “Oh you know what, I don’t even give a shit just get the fuck out of my office.” “Sad about her mum though, did you hear?” Carlo’s voice had changed, giving him away, Felix knew he was up to something. “Look if you’re trying to tell me you managed to get your old wrinkled cock into one of my staff again I’m frankly unimpressed.” “Young though her mum, not much older than you are.” “Yeah it’s a sad situation, but nothing we can do now is there?” “Maybe if thing’s had worked out different back then though, you never know do you.” “You’ve totally lost me now, Carlo.” Felix was losing his temper and he needed to get out of this confined space. “You mean you’ve never noticed?” “Jesus Christ! What the fuck are you on about?” “Remember Nicola? Used to be your manager when we first met.” The bottom of Felix’s stomach gave way, a wave of nausea so powerful swept over him that he felt his skin crawl. He was speechless. Carlo was still smiling coldly, his eyes widened slightly. “Oh yeah, you remember. Starting to maybe...

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