The Two Worlds Chapter 2 The hid and go seek tag game "Carlie wait for me"Melody yelled with excitement as she passed Carlie."Melody you know that I am your best friend , but I can't tell you my hiding spot every tag game " Carlie yelled back to Melody as if she was going to explode of so much anger."Please Carlie help me find a good hiding spot.I promise that it will be the last time I ask for help in a tag game" Melody whispered to Carlie so that no one will know that they were cheating. "Fine , but this is the last time I let you cheat in a tag game"Carlie rolled her eyes so that only Melody could see. Both Carlie and Melody loved to hid , but the centre world was to dangerous to hid in so they had to keep it a secret. As you can probably tell , the centre world is not normal. The centre world was the best place to have war in . Every now and then people got killed. Hiding was a good way to sneak up on someone and kill them. The end of chapter two To be continue
The Two Worlds Chapter one Questions If there were two worlds that stand beside each other being hold together by one small world where no one found home what would you do? Will you pick one side or stand alone in the centre world with no one to love? If you pick on side what will your future hold? Will it hold sadness or joy? It is a hard discussion, but you are not alone. Many years ago there was a girl named Melody Es Base who was both kind and beautiful, but felt so alone. She lived in the centre world (where both worlds meet). What happened to her? Well let's find out. End of chapter one
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