No Shame For Me I suppose there have been many times in my #life when society dictated that I should have felt ashamed due to my actions, however, I took ownership of everything I’ve done in my #life and I decided not to feel ashamed of anything I’ve done in my #life. For example, as a teenager, I was very, very promiscuous and was called a slut by many people in my community. However, I was very aware of my actions and took ownership of the word ‘slut’ and changed its meaning for me. “Yes,” I said, “Slut and proud.” I like sex, I like having sex with different people, lots of different people. What’s wrong with that? All of my partners were aware of my intentions from the get-go and I always made sure I was safe and healthy. So where is the shame in my actions? I take drugs. I enjoy taking drugs and going dancing or playing Scrabble for 12 hours non-stop, or creating beautiful pieces of art. I do not apologize or deny my drug use. I’m proud of it, as I view it as an enhancement to my #life. But I’m also responsible with my drug use. I have never, to my knowledge, hurt anyone while on drugs. I’ve never put myself in debt, robbed or stolen to pay for my drugs. So again -to me, where is the shame? I like taking drugs and will continue to do so for as long as they serve a purpose in my #life. I am now in prison. Do I feel ashamed about this? Hell no! I have not hurt anyone, I have not been disruptive to society, I just chose to live an alternative #lifestyle and in this country, that means I’ve broken some laws that have led to my incarceration. However, I am not ashamed of my way of #life. I will not apologize for it. I know who I am and what I believe, and I will never feel ashamed about who or what I am. ##poetsin #noshame
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Tricia D.
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