Vertalen   8 jaren geleden

Acceptance Prison is one place that gives you the time to really get inside an emotion, and lately I’ve been delving into what it really feels like to accept all the choices in my #life. I’ve made a choice to see, and take from, only the positive aspects of all the experiences I’ve had in my #life. That’s not to say that only good things have happened in my #life. Due to coming to prison, I’ve now lost my whole #life in London. My relationship with my partner is in limbo and I’m going to be deported to a country I’ve never lived in, or speak the language of. Yet, I’ve accepted all these consequences. But how did I come to feel this acceptance? It’s down to my philosophy for #life, which is: “Change is the only constant.” Nothing is meant to last forever. I enjoyed it while I lived it and I’ll always have the wonderful memories to look back on. It was probably one of the best years of my #life and I’ll always look back on my #life in London with a big smile. As for my relationship in limbo, well I’ll be honest, I think it’s over and it’s time to move on. There will always be love between us, but I’ve evolved a lot through this prison experience and have grown out of the relationship we once had. Again, this relationship was meant to be for a season, not a #lifetime, and I’ve accepted this. It was an amazing relationship with so much love and so many never experienced love like that. It is now time to let go and spend the next few years experiencing the world on my own, being responsible for no one but myself. Most people would be terrified to be deported to a country they’ve never lived in, but not me! I’m looking forward to the challenge and excited to learn a new language. I’ve accepted that living in Norway was always part of my #life plan. I’m a traveler and moving to experience new places and ways of #life is what I live for. So yes, bring it on! Acceptance, it’s a surprisingly positive emotion for me and it’s brought me a lot of peace. I have enjoyed going over my #life and making peace with my choices in #life, and I’ve come to the end of this journey feeling very joyful and hopeful of the future. Acceptance puts your #life in perspective. It makes you feel gratitude for the #life you’ve lived, and takes the pressure off the mistakes you’ve made in the past. ##poetsin

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