Tradurre   8 anni fa

I Almost Died Last Night - Word Vomit A world made of Air and glass In which I floated For a brief moment In the space Between #life and death. I remember the pop - The loss of control - The tire coming off - The feeling of animal panic - The acceptance that As I was flipping over three lanes of US1 I was probably going to die. I remember the classic rock station. I remember how the#moonwas hidden behind the clouds And that I could barely see its outline As I crawled out of my shattered window And i felt glass on my bare feet But i didnt care Because my head was bleeding, My arms were bleeding, My legs were bleeding, But I was alive. And I remember starting to cry. After that, its a blur of ambulances, And purple scrubs And people telling me i'm lucky to be alive While wiping dirt and blood from the top of my head. I havent slept yet. Im scared of what i'll see when i close my eyes.

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