lost part two They're constantly asking me what's wrong, why I'm so distant, why I'm not as perfect as the other kids at my school. No one knows why I can't be "social." what if I can't -- what if I don't want to be. To all that's constantly asking what's wrong, here you go. I was abandoned. Left to drown in my own tears. The people that were built to love me, hated me. So, they escaped from my world. Neither left a trace. No strings attached, no way for me to find them. But, that's what they wanted. I didn't speak for the first ten years of my #life. Why waste my breath, when no one would listen? No one would even bother to care. There's your problem. Not a single person in my #life, bothers to care. Honestly, I don't even care. About myself, about anything and anyone. They knew I wouldn't scream. That I was the vulnerable one in the group. It was one party. The one party I went to in my #life, and it's the one that ruined my entire existence. No one even noticed I was missing. I'm just that invisible.
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