TimeTraveling Twins Maddie and Mason are siblings. Hence the title; they're twins. The twins father was a booming business man when the children were young. Soon enough, as birthdays came and went, the twins fathers business became less popular and plummeted down. The family and employees were going broke very slowly, because the kids fathers business was the star of the city. It would seem like no one could go broke in this city, but yes it happens to be true. The journey from now on was tough, considering that they had a large family; Maddie, Mason, dad and mom. The thing about their mother is that she is very ill. Nope, not cancer, yet, the doctors are trying to verify if it is or not. No one knows what it is. *flashback begins* "Maddie, watch for moms car. I'm gonna go say hi to my friend." Said Mason. "No! You need to watch too! Friends aren't THAT important!" Replied Maddie. "Pfshh." So Mason went along and said hi to his buddy, disobeying his sister. Maddie was watching for her mothers car, instead the kids fathers truck drove up to the waiting line. Usually their mother picks them up, since she is a stay a home mom, because their father owns a money paying business. When dad picks up the kids, very rarely, he would always wave them down. Not today. Maddie knew something was wrong. She ran down the sidewalk and motioned for dad to roll down the window. "Where's mom? She always picks us up. Why didn't you wave me down? What's wrong?" Maddie said as she was walking alongside her fathers truck. "Grab your brother, get in when I pull up. Go so you don't get ran over." Said dad in a stern but easy voice. Maddie did what she was told, and pulled her brother away from his conversation. "Hey! What was that for sis!" "Shut up something's wrong. Come on dads here." "Dad? But mom picks us up! Always!" The children got in the car and buckled in. "Dad what's wrong?" Asked one of the kids. "God Dangit!! Come on move it!! I'm tryna' get through here!" Yelled dad, he had road rage. "I'm gonna drop you off at home. Do your homework." Said their dad. "Dad we don't have homework, it's Friday... What is wrong?" Asked Maddie. He didn't answer. The truck was silent the whole drive home. When they arrived home, Mason ran inside and began searching for mom. Maddie did the same. She wasn't home. She's always home. Maddie and Mason went back outside to dad, but he was gone. "Mason, where's dad! Where's mom, where alone!" Screamed Maddie. "Come on, we can follow dads truck tire print on the four wheeler." "No, it's illegal to drive and ATV in town! Let's wait it out!" "Not if you have a license plate for it you dummy! Come on." "Only if I can drive it, go get the helmets!" Argued the twins. They set off, hurrying before their dads tire prints dusted away. The prints led to the hospital. The twins gasped, knowing where they were. "What do you think happened? Let's go inside." Said Maddie. "Excuse me ma'am? Has Tucker Riney came in here any time earlier?" Mason looked over the counter at the secretary. He read Julia Loves on the shirt name clip. "Hmm, yes he has. Can I help you with anything, young man?" She was a skinny lady, not bone skinny, but good looking skinny. She looked about 29. "Umm, yeah, me and my sisters mom always picks us up after school, but our dad did today. He dropped us off at our house and left without us knowing. No one was in the house so we took our four wheeler and followed his tracks here. Something's wrong with our mom." Said Mason. Ms. Loves looked very surprised. She stood up and said "Well you are very smart. I'll show you were your mother is."
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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