The Real Work What happens when you've devised the perfect plan to make a millions? You go do it that's what. You buck up and get to work. You bring your team and begin the daily exercise of executing the plan. Then what happens when the money doesn't come when you thought and it becomes a little more scary and real than anyone ever though it would be? Sometimes you have to dig deeper into your guts and soul and wrench free the grit to keep going. You discard the old and overweight pieces. You lean up and streamline. You might end up on the floor a few times but you get back up and keep going with an ever freshening purpose and attitude. One of those discarded pieces may come back for a fight. You keep going. You change the plan. You meet new challenges and find new opportunities. You explore those and find new partners. You fly all over the place. You still lose your airline status that you had when you had the cushy corporate job. You get bruised and bloodied. You hide out and then reemerge a little worse for the wear, but shake it off and move ahead. You catch a break. Something happens that brings back the mojo and the original plan just got even better. You never gave up and you kept believing for 12 months with no safety net and nothing to go back to, only looking ahead at the shining dream of your success and fulfillment of a dream. You fought for it and there it is, right there in front of you. You only have to reach out and grasp the brass ring of your destiny. Do it. Then the real work starts.