Translate   10 years ago

Test Of Faith You know what? Any board exam for me isnt a test of knowledge that you know back when you were still in college but rather a TEST OF FAITH. I tell you my story about taking a Nursing Licensure Exam. How many times I took the exam before i got my license of becoming a Registered Nurse here in the Philippines? It took me four times to get my license. In all those exams I have taken, it always have the situation that i'll be choosing between my license or the situation Im in. I think GOD wants me to learn about everything. There will always be room for improvemt about my test taking strategies, about the learning habbits, about the faith. You know what, taking NLE was never an easy thing. I knew from my friends who will always be on my side no matter what. Three times i failed the exam, my family and friends are always there for me, to comfort me, to say that things will be alright, its just that its not yet your time to become a Nurse, they push me to go on and reach my goal to get my license. Until the day came, i decided to took the exam for the fourth and probably my last exam. I decided to file again at the PRC -LUCENA, i did file at CBRC-batangas for me to take the final coaching proper. Aand I did my very best to review all important notes to remember, NLE exam is just a balance of studying and relaxing sometime. When i do have the urge to study, i study like i am a scientist. When i do have the urge to eat, i ate like there's no tomorrow. When i do have the urge to sleep, i slept like im in a coma. Lol When i do have the urge to feel the heat of my opposite sex? I did it once. Lol Aaand if my body urge to go on shopping and doing movie marathon? Let it be as long there is a limit for all. Whatever my body wants, i just fulfill the desire of everything. I just have to know my priorities. My goal---> Mykko M. Alvarez, RN Aaand the day came that the LORD has made. I became a Registered Nurse in God's Glory. And my prayers while waiting the result goes like this " Father GOD, you know that this would be my last exam, you knew from the beginning that I want to get my license. I did my part, the rest is all in your hands. Whatever the result will? Ill be forever grateful and thankful that you gave me a chance to show what i've got. If my license is really for me, you will not let me down for the last time. Thank you GOD, whatever happens i'll still glorify your name" Date:January 19, 2015 Time:8pm Result: Mykko M. Alvarez, RN Yeah! Its really a TEST OF FAITH. Immensely grateful having the two letters after my surname, i've been through a lot to gain that twRN) letters.

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