The Prince & I Spirit-Angelica Sabrianna Marie Joy Grace Palmer. Thants me! Yeah a long name I know and I don't really say it that much so when I intorduce my self, I tend to say SAS. As in Spirit-Angelica Sabrinna. Occasionally if its super formal, then I call my self Spirit but my friends and family and anyone who isn't richer than us, call me SAS. In capital letters or my parents go mental. But I don't mind it looks pretty when you do it in caligraphy which my mum does alot. I came up with the name because I was SAP as in Spirit-Angelica Palmer, but I really disliked it. So I changed it. I would write SAS instead and I would always correct my parents and eventually they got used to it, and made a deal-They call me SAS and I put it into Capitals so people know that its my initials and not my name. So that was it, gone was SAP and in place was SAS. It made more sense too, because I used to write SAP Palmer, which essentislly was Spirit Angelica Palmer Palmer... no sense so to write SAS Palmer was just Spirit-Angelica Sabrinna Palmer. Now its just my name that my whole family calls me. My family is sooo weird- In personality and as a family see, there are 11 where we live, we all live together and I count every single one of them as a brother and sister... unless I don't like that person at all in which case I demote them to my cousin... But as they come to us they are a sibling. But only 3 of us are actually blood related. The rest are just permanantly fostered until there is a place for them to go. You see I live in an Orphanage. So all the children there are orphans that were either kicked out or left by their parents or parents died. One of them, their parents litterally brought them to us and beat her so we had to take them! Poor child. But the weirder thing about my family is that we own no house. Gosh how much I would love a brick house, with ivy climbing up the walls outside and beautiful wallpaper and intricate painted patterns all over the wall, but noo, no house for 11 people.... Its a bus. We all live in a massive double decker bus. Upstairs are the kids beds and down stairs at the back end is a curtained off area for my parents, My actual parents becuase I am their blood child. eww that sounds gross... What I mean is they are my birth parents thats it! Yeah they have litterally just a double bed for them and share that. But us kids, we have 12 beds - 6 bunk beds, 3 are for when we care for some other kids or something so don't dis my maths. But we aren't down stairs often. Its normally upstairs or outside exploring. Because down stairs is mostly the work area... apart from the bed obviously. Because not only did I live in an orphanage with my parents, they are a mobile hospital. Its actually so cool you wouldn't believe but sometimes incredibly annoying because they don't let us interupt for a second of their work thats how dedicated they are. But you learn to role with it, It is weird when a new kid comes along and tries to interupt them and then they come back all angry. We tend to warn them but most don't listen to us. But you can't go down stairs during working hours, Which sucks, Unless your passing to go up or down and your quiet. Then they can cope. _________*_ Right now it's working hours and we were in a small village where pretty much if you didn't have the plage then you were an out cast. But you caught it within 24 hours anyway! We all had to stay upsairs to stay away from all illnesses bacause the amount of jabs we had, yet none of them could cure a disease from here. I was listening to my music doodling when heard Davida or Dav as we all call her and Ryker laughing as they stumbled upstairs. I know I said we weren't allowed to go down stairs but who said anything about on the stairs? "Oh my word SAS, you should have heard theat lady!" She said whilst laughing "Yeah?" I questioned "Why should I?" I wondered...likelyhood was that I really didn't want to know, Dav and Ryker were sick in the head alone never mind together. "Oh Ryk you tell her" She said still trying tocalm down from laughing. "Well," He let out a small laugh "You know this is the 'plague' area and all," he stated with a massive grin attatched to his face, he added the speech marks with the hands action when he said plague. "Yeah," egging him to go on.... even though I wasn't totally sure. "HA Yeah well apparently she was clear of the common cold which is practically you card into the place, and she faked it, and when she was sleeping with her husband, her kid walked in and," He stopped and let a hoot of laughter out. I raised an eye brow as if to tell him to continue. I was still unsure. "Well, he walked in asked what had happened to her disease and asked them to be quiet!" And Dav and Ryker hooted with laughter for another few minutes and I kind of looked at them as if to say they are mad. So what? She was probably just asking for some psycatric help for her and her boy. It's not like that hasn't happened before here! Any way if she needed counciling then I would be needed down stairs soon seeing as that was my department. It was because my parents got me a book bout it for my birthday one year so I could understand it and I really liked it! "Right well, I think it must be one of those things that you have to be there to get it." I quietly mumbled to myself then rolled my eyes. "SAS, Could you come down here please babe?" That was my dad- Benji Palmer. I was a daddy's girl and we were pretty close. "Coming!" I shouted so he could here whilst I scrambled around putting my mP3 player away. I knew it was rubbish back in England but it was so helpful for blanking the world and it looked cool to the others here. "You guys need to calm down a bit, that poor boy!" I said to them seriously before throwing my hands in the air and rushing down the stairs. "Heya Benji! Whats up?" I questioned as innocently as possible. I already knew really but what can I say? I was in that cutsie mood! "I guess you know from Ryker and Davida, we can hear. But anyway, this woman would like counciling for her son today at 3:30 so be down prompt and ready please." "Wait it will take at least 3 days to begin to help him and give him advice on recovering if he didn't see too much but we are leaving tomorrow morning?" "Honey I belive in you I know you haven't always worked miricles but you have helped a few people reovering in short amounts of time, Plus Fathers here. You can do some damage control I am sure." He said in a comforting way. When he said Father he didnt mean him. I mean we are missionarys through the church so I guess that makes me christian even though I didn't ever really seem that way. "OK well we will see I guess!" I said as I scampered up staires to come up with my plan. I have an hour and half to sort this and find the best and quickest way to work this out. ------------------------------------------------------ Ok so this is the first chapter of my book. It is on wattpad too which sorry, but is really my priority but I will try and up load it here like straight after. Just so everyone knows, I am a rubbish updater so don't expect them everyday.... Sorry.... Xxx

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