Tradurre   11 anni fa

Chapter 10 Chris's POV "Turn left up here," Holli says as she points over to a long driveway with a gate blocking the entrance. "It has a the hell do I turn?"Adam impatiently asks. Adam can be such an asshole. It really pisses me off. Holli takes a deep sigh showing frustration. She hops out of the car then wanders over to the gate. She presses a button then says something. The gate opens as she begins to walk back over to the car to get back inside. We move through the driveway then pull up to a big house. "Damn," I whisper under my breath,"Is this really your house?" It's a giant Victorian home with many different kind of trees lined up in front of it. It looks very classy but showy at the same time. She slowly nods her head as she stares at it. "You guys can come in..if you want." It would be stupid if I didn't go in. I really want to know what the inside looks like. Adam and I hop out of the car then follow Holli up the marble front steps. She gets a key out of her backpack then unlocks the door. It swings open and we begin to go inside. All of a sudden, there is voice coming from the top of the stair case. "Welcome back Miss Hills." Miss Hills? Who is that man? Holli doesn't greet him back. She just nods her head. "I see you brought some friends," the man comments. I mutter hi and Adam just waves. Holli turns her head towards us and begins to talk. "You guys can just look around or do whatever. I'm going to get a shower. If you need anything, just ask the butler," she says with un interest. She points up to the guy, then wanders upstairs, turns a corner, and then she's gone. A butler?! That's so cool! I begin to look around most of the rooms. This place has everything you can imagine from arcade machines to 100 inch televisions. So many people would kill to have a house like this. I wonder why Holli never talks about her super awesome, expensive house. Your first impression of her would not be that she is rich and lives in a mansion. She doesn't act like it or look like it. I take a seat on a couch in front of one of her many televisions. This room is pretty subtle. It's really stylish yet lived in. I could spend hours just doing stuff in this room. I reach over to grab a Sports Illustrated magazine off of the side table, but as I do, my fingers brush across and make contact with the book under it. What could this be? I pull it up and place it on my lap. It looks like some sort of photo album. I begin to look through the pages. A grin spreads across my face when I see a photo of Holli with cake smeared all over her face. Most of the photos are of Holli and some guy. I'm guessing its her brother because they look a lot alike. Both of them look really young, like in the three to six years old range. Happiness floods through me. Just seeing Holli this doesn't seem..normal. Not that she is not ever happy, it's just she's smiling in all these photos and she never smiles like this. I flip through the rest of the album. When I get to the last page, I notice this one photo. It's not in one of the covers, it's just laying there. The photo is of Holli smiling. There was somebody next to her, but I can't tell who it is because the photo is ripped in half. Why would there be a ripped in half photo in a photo album? I turn the photo over. There is some writing, but only part of the sentence is there. It reads: "Happy birt- I love y- and I wa- to know- that you'll al- be my little girl. xoxo Love, Dad." Dad? Why is this torn half? "What the fuck are you doing?!" I slam the book shut. Shit. I turn to look at the doorway where I see Holli standing. She begins to storm over. "I..I don't know. I'm sor-" She snatches the book off my lap. "Have you ever heard of minding your own business?" "Holli, I didn't know. I was grabbing the Sports Illustrated magazine but then I grabbed that book instead." I continue to babble to her like an idiot. If I had known that this was so personal to her, I wouldn't have looked through it. Once I finish talking, the room goes silent. "It's okay," Holli calmly remarks. "But..I-" "I know what you did and clearly you are sorry." I smile. God I love forgiving people. "Well, enough fooling around. We have to go." "Oh right." I shakily stand up then secretly place the photo in my pocket. It should be safe there. * * * Holli's POV "I'm going to go check on my car." "I'll come," I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt. I follow him into the beaten up, old car shop then take a seat on one of the many chairs. "Just stay here. It'll only be a few minutes." I nod. He turns around then disappears into the other room. When I'm sure he's gone, I get up then walk over to the lady sitting at the front desk. I place two thousand dollars in cash in front of her. "I'd like to pay for a paint job on the truck in there."

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