Traduzir   11 anos atrás

Lost On winged foot did I fly through heaven's sky, love brought me to this place. Your kiss so sweet, as our lips did meet, love granted me this grace. With every beat of my heart it called your name, love gave me this voice. Each touch of your hand my soul did sing, love gave me this song. A glance, a kiss, your tender touch, your warm embrace, an angel gave me these things. Then you left, then I fell, downwards to the pits of hell, an angel did these things. A soul on fire, a heart ripped in two, my love torn asunder, demons did this to me. My mind shattered like glass, my flesh stripped, my suffering eternal, demons did this to me Time my mistress, to my death she leads me, ever cruel. Time my saviour, to heal all wounds is her gift, ever kind. With love lost, and true love the fleeting dream of a mad man, I am lost to darkness. No soul to sing, no heart to give, my mind no more, I am lost to love. I seek thee love so I may live once more.

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