I Am A Shadow My #life in words. In the shadows I stand, in the shadows I move, time passes slowly in this dark place. I stare into the light of the world around me, time moves so fast there, On a crowded street I move, as all around me the world flows past like a torrent around a granite anchor on the river bed. In this dark realm of shadow sounds can't be heard, I see the faces of those that live in the light, I see them talking but never do I hear the sound, I try to shout, to be heard, but the shadows always steal my voice. Why can no one see me, does the light of their world blind them to the shadow beside them. Sometimes they glimpse a sliver of shadow, they screw up the faces, blink there eyes, and I disappear once more. One day, perhaps I too will feel the warmth of light on my face, not today, today I live in the shadows.
Lost On winged foot did I fly through heaven's sky, love brought me to this place. Your kiss so sweet, as our lips did meet, love granted me this grace. With every beat of my heart it called your name, love gave me this voice. Each touch of your hand my soul did sing, love gave me this song. A glance, a kiss, your tender touch, your warm embrace, an angel gave me these things. Then you left, then I fell, downwards to the pits of hell, an angel did these things. A soul on fire, a heart ripped in two, my love torn asunder, demons did this to me. My mind shattered like glass, my flesh stripped, my suffering eternal, demons did this to me Time my mistress, to my death she leads me, ever cruel. Time my saviour, to heal all wounds is her gift, ever kind. With love lost, and true love the fleeting dream of a mad man, I am lost to darkness. No soul to sing, no heart to give, my mind no more, I am lost to love. I seek thee love so I may live once more.
Ex's And Oh's Within this #life there was a time, When on my soul this bitch did dine. She ate my heart with greedy haste, Not a morsel did she waste. My soul was taken with great haste, Greedily devoured, she loved the taste. Price by piece she feasted well, She made my #life a living hell Into the night the witch did fly, With nothing left, she said goodbye But heart and soul never truly dies, From the ashes a Phoenix flies. ( I borrowed the title from a song, the words within are all mine, I always give credit where it's due )
Long Day And Lost Souls I stand in a dark, dank side street. People running around shouting, others standing and watching, I glance round and see those that watch, with twisted features of despair and hatred. I continue to run around with the rest of my kin, things must be done and every moment is precious. I look to the building in front of me, thick black smoke rising from broken window pane. As I enter, I am greeted by absolute darkness and a heat that forces me to drop low, stay cooler. In this murky hot hell I am not alone, in two's we always travel, my kin and I. Onwards we move fumbling and feeling our way, hoping never to find what we seek. An arrow to my heart, as hands find what they seek, Is time our friend? Or are we too late, with winged foot we fly, Hermes himself would not catch us as we take our find out into the cool night air. Standing in the dark, now wet night, we hand over our parcel to waiting nightingales, ready to fly away to safe haven. This time as I glance round, when I see the same watching faces, my thoughts are of how and why. How did these people come to live this existence, one of pain and suffering, how has it happened. Is it nature or nurture. And why has this social underbelly been allowed to exist, why where they left to rot in this gutter, within which I now stand, and perhaps there is a where? Where is the will to live that has been taken from these souls. This is the horrible truth to this story, We allow this place to exist and these people to live as they do, or indeed die in this way. This isn't some war zone, this is home, these are our streets, our city's. Strange how from our high towers we never see the street below.
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