Traducciones   11 años

The Chronicles Of Lescoban: Chapter 2- Unexpected News I ran into the house, calling for my parents. My leg burned like hell, but I didn't care. I had to tell my parents about the almost attack. It was so strange that a beast that was responsible for so many deaths had let me go without even attacking. "Mother!" I shouted. "Father!" Where were they? My mother ran down the stairs, looking worried. "What is it? Who died?" I rolled my eyes. She always said that whenever I shouted for her. She just didn't know how close she was to the truth this time. "Where's Father?" I asked. She sighed. "He's taking a hot bath. It's nasty out there." I scoffed, " You've no idea." Then I remembered what I was going to tell her. "Mother! You're never gonna believe what just happened to me! When I went to get Minnie...." "What in gods name happened to you leg?!" Mother demanded. I looked down at my injured leg. "That's what I was jut about to tell you. Mother...." "SIT DOWN AND LET ME TAKE CARE OF THAT!" She shouted in a panicky voice. I didn't argue. There was no reasoning with her when she used that tone. As she was cleaning my leg, I told her everything that happened. "Mother it was incredible. I was bringing Minnie home and she bolted when lightning struck right next to us. I was going to go get her back, but I fell down a hill and cut my leg in the process...OW!" My mother tightened the bandage on my leg roughly. "Stop your whining and hold still," she scolded. I sighed and continued my story. "Anyways, I landed at the bottom and when I stood up I here a noise. I asked if anyone was there and there was no reply. Then I heard it again. Same thing. I asked and no reply. Then when I started to leave, I heard a growl. Mother, there was one of the wolves. I thought it was going to attack me. But it didn't! It gave me a weird look, then it jumped over me and ran off into the forest. I though it only didn't attack royals." My mother looked at me, her face pale. "It left you alone?" I nodded. She shook her head as if trying to clear her mind. "Well go to bed. Your leg should be healed by tomorrow. It better be. You got chores tomorrow." I sighed and stood up, trying to not put too much pressure on my leg. "Alright. Good night." I turned and headed upstairs. I just happened to see my mother sit down shakily and put her head in her hands as I went upstairs. ................ The next morning I woke up refreshed. I got up out of my bed, not feeling any pain from my leg. Today was going to be a long day. I could feel it in my bones. Something unexpected was going to happen. After getting dressed, I ran downstairs and ate my breakfast. Mother was out in the garden and Father must have gone to market again. As soon as I ate, I went outside to start on my chores. As I reached the barn, I heard a familiar moo. "Minnie!" I cried as I saw her tied to the fence. "She was in the garden when I came out," my father said, coming up behind me. I turned to him. "I thought you went to market?" He shook his head. "Nah. There's too much work to do here today. I need your help fixing the fence. Then I need to take a couple of pigs to the butcher. Do you want to come with me?" I nodded, saying, " Sure. What about my other chores? Should I start on them now or do them later when we get back?" He shrugged. "Go ahead and start on them now. I won't need your help for a little while." I nodded. "Ok," I said and went to go start my chores. I was able to feed the animals and put Minnie in the barn before my father called me to help. I held the planks as he nailed them to the posts. The fence needed to be fixed so we might as well get it done now. It didn't take long to get it done. Then we headed to the pig pen to get two of our biggest pigs. It took a while but we finally got them to the butcher. He gave us fifty shillings for them. On our way back, I told father about the strange incident last night. He didn't say much. Just that the wolf probably sensed a bigger threat than me. That's why it didn't attack. It made sense. As soon as we got back, I had to finish with my chores. Mother had gone inside to start supper, so I had to finish tending the garden. Father went to go mend his trousers that had holes in them. So I was all alone outside. The sun was just starting to set when I heard a horse neigh. I turned to see who it was, grimacing when I saw. It was a knight. Lovely. Just my luck. As he got closer, I happened to see his features better. He was quite good looking. Deep tan skin, stretched over a strong, muscular body. Naturally highlighted brown hair that swayed in the breeze. Dark brown eyes that held the responsibility of protecting royals. I noticed the emblem on his armor. A dark#moonsurrounded by fire. A chill coursed through me. He was Captain of the Guard. Dear god. What trouble were we in that the Captain of the Guard had to pay us a visit? As he drew closer, our eyes met. It felt like he was peering into my soul. Then he spoke. "You. I need to have a word with you." It felt like my heart rose into my throat. Terror washed over me. I couldn't speak. Then I turned and ran into the house. "Mother! Father! Quick! The Captain of the Guard is here!" Father came down the stairs and walked outside calmly. "What can we do for you, sir?" He asked the knight. The knight dismounted from his steed and nodded formally to my father. "Good evening. My name is Bowen. I'm captain of the royal guard. I'm sorry to intrude but I was wondering if I could have a word privately with you and your family." My mother came up behind me, resting her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her. She didn't look at me. She was focused on what was going on. My father slowly nodded. "Of course. Please, come in." Bowen nodded and came inside. I backed up as he drew near me. He stopped and smiled at me. "What's your name?" I shouldn't say anything. It went against my code. Then again, when do I ever listen to myself? "Jennifer," I answered. He smiled again. "That's a beautiful name. Fit for royalty." I scowled at him and he chuckled. My father led us all into the dining room. "So what did you need to talk to us about,sir?" Father asked him. Bowen sat at the table next to me. I groaned inwardly. "Well," he started. "As you know, we are without a monarch. We've been without one for almost 13 years." My mother scoffed. "Yes because the last ones ran out on us when they realized we had no chance against Mordell."Bowen shook his head. "No," he said. "The reason is because as you might know, the previous king and queen had a child." My mother's eyes widened in shock and my father just blinked, neither saying a word. Apparently they hadn't know that. Then again, neither did I. Bowen continued, "I was young when she was born. But from what I heard, she was beautiful. And Senar wanted her. Badly. In order to protect her, the queen and king ran away with her. But as they got to the border to go into the Human Realm, Senar's army attacked them. We were told everyone had been killed. Until recently there had been no proof of someone surviving the attack. The child had survived. And we have evidence that she has prospered and grown into a beautiful young lady who's ready to take her throne." He eyes rested solely on me as he said that last part. I choked. He couldn't mean me, could he? My father looked at him strangely. "What are you talking about? The Princess is alive?" Bowen nodded, still looking at me. I grew very uncomfortable under his gaze. My father laughed, "Well then if she's alive then where is she? Why hasn't she taken the throne yet?" Bowen then tore his gaze from me and turned to look at my father. My mother still hasn't said a word through all of this. "Because," Bowen said. "She doesn't yet know who she truly is. But she will soon. If she doesn't already. And she's right here. In this home." He turned back to me, his gaze deep and admirable. I froze, a chill coursing through me. Then Bowen gave the name of the princess. "Jennifer."

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