My Last Lullaby " Hush now, my baby Be still love, don't cry Sleep as you're rocked by the stream Sleep and remember, my last lullaby So I'll be with you when you dream " Mother started to sing a lullaby to me as my village was attacked and destroyed, " Drift on a river That flows through my arms Drift as I'm singing to you " Mother continues to sing as I hear our door splintered and crashed to the ground. Father stands in front of us as my mother wraps her arms, protectively, around me. " I see you smiling, so peaceful and calm And holding you, I'm smiling too Here in my arms, safe from harm Holding you, I'm smiling too " Mother sings her melody as a man with dead eyes, and is covered in a dark cloak. I watch as tears slid down my cheeks as my father charges at the man to keep him away from us, away from me. " Hush now, my baby Be still now, don't cry Sleep like you're rocked by the stream Sleep and remember, my last lullaby So I'll be with you when you sleep " I grip my mother tightly as I see father body go limp in the hold of the man and is tossed to the ground.mother puts something around my neck but I can't take my eyes off of father's #lifeless body. " Here in my arms, safe from all harm Holding you, I'm smiling too " Mother kissed my cheek and smooths my messy, blonde hair, her face etched with fear and sorrow. I look at her to see tears building up at the corner of her eyes as she looks at me. I search her face and eyes for an answer, any answer to why this was happening, but instead she let go of her hold around me and stood up, facing the man that killed father. My tear filled dark blue eyes widened as she walked forward, singing still. " Sleep and remember My last lullaby So I'll be with you when you dream " Mother then charges at the man, as father did, her voice and song growing stronger as they clashed. " Sleep and remember My last lullaby So I'll be with you when you dream " The man then catches my mother's long, red hair and places a dagger, that he took out from within his cloak, and placed it on my mother's throat. Mother looked at me smiling. " So I'll be with you when you dream.... " That was the last time I saw my mother smile. Song-> River Lullaby By; Amy Grant
Keep At It In a small, cluttered room, sitting on the cotton bed that was set up against its farthest wall, was a young girl with wavy, brown hair and deep green eyes as she stared across the room in a daze. ••••••• Flashback ••••••• It was the end of summer and fall was around the corner. So a carnival was held. Which had a wonderful Magician. A little girl in a sky blue sundress, pulled a older boy towards the rear of a tent. The little girl turned to the boy with a huge smile and a sparkle in her eyes, " Can we see him?! Can we see him? Please!! " she said jumping with excitement. The boy just rolled his eyes, " Sure, Johanna. Go right ahead. " " Yay! " Johanna squealed as she dashed into the tent. Inside the tent was a wooden stage engulfed with velvet curtains. But Johanna skipped to the dressing rooms. She turned around a corner, only to find herself sitting on the floor. She looked up to a talk, dark haired man in a purple suit and a top hat with a peacock feather sticking out. Johanna gasped as the man looked down, " Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know children as young as you run this place. " the man said with a bright smile as he helped Johanna up. Johanna giggled before looking up at the man with wide eyes, " Mr. Magician? I want to do what you did! " " Johanna!! Don't run off like tha.... " the boy's voice trail off as he turned the corner, seeing the man, " I'm so sorry if my little sis was bugging you mister! " " It's not a problem. " the magician said, looking at Johanna as she turned to her brother, " Jason! Jason! I'm going to be just like Mr. Magician when I grow up!! " Johanna bounced, happily. Jason snorted, " You can't, Johanna. " " Why not?.. " Johanna frowned as Jason continued, " Because you don't have what it takes. " Jason then walked out of the tent. Johanna looked at the ground as tears slipped down her cheeks. Before having them be wiped away by Mr. Magician. " Hey, don't listen to him. Is that your dream? " " Dream? " Johanna looked at him. " Something you wish to do or become. " " Yep! " Johanna said, nodding her head. The Magician smiled before removing his hat and placing it on Johanna's head, which slipped down her face because of her smallness. Johanna looked up at the magician while holding to hat out of her face. " Then keep at it. " the Magician said with a winked. •••• End of flashback •••• The girl sitting on the bed, held her gaze to the top hat with a peacock feather sticking out sitting on the dresser across from her. She stood up and walked to held it in her hands carefully. " I made it, Mr. Magician... " Johanna smiled as she placed the top hat on her crazy, curly hair and walks out of her dressing room. Behind the door a announcement was made, " Ladies and gentleman, Johanna! The Wonderful Magician!! "
The Feeling Of Lost I still remember it. Over and over it plays in my head. Like a dream, a nightmare. I still see the lights, hears the sounds, and feel the pain of lost. 000000 It's was one of the worst days in history for the country of Zooran. The day when the sky rained fire, and the ground broke to pieces. It was the day where Alorna and her village was ripped apart by a trembling earthquake that shallowed half the village. Their people lost forever. Including her parents. Date: Mayno 35, 20189 I awoke in my bed to the rumble of straining earth. I got up still in my tunic from yesterday. I ran to my younger siblings room next door, to see them huddled on their bed, " Erlic! Solúa! " I shouted at them as the rumble turned to shrieking wails. I ran towards my brother and sister as all the windows in our home shattered. I picked both of them up and dashed outside into our village. But was stopped in my tracks as I watched dark red clouds swirl, angrily in the sky. " Alorna!! " I turned to see my mother and father running towards us with little Alexika in her green blanket, crying. I put my brother a sister down as my mother handed me Alexika. " Mother! Father! What's going on?! What's happening? " I yelled over the noise from deep within the earth, and just as a streak of blue lighting striked the trees around our village. " I don't know, honey! But keep your brother and sisters safe. " my mother said woth a sad smile. Then as if it was never there, the rumbling stopped. And the lighting subsided. I looked at my mother with relief. It was done. But I was so naive... Just as everything stopped in its tracks, something started in its place. Between me and my parents a large crack broke through the ground. Erlic and Solúa gripped at my legs on fear as we my parents and myself starred at the crack that divided us. Then the rumbling came back. Stronger then before this time. I watched as the stronger rumble started to make the crack between us widener and deeper. I looked at my parents with fear as their side began to grow more unstable, " MOM!!! DAD!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! " I screamed as their side broke apart and fell into the pit of nothing beneath. I hugged Erlic and Sokúa with my arm that wasn't occupied by a crying Alexika. I gripped to my younger silblings as everything around me fell apart.
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